B.V.Sc & A. H. Study Materials
Lectures/ Notes
- Department of Animal Nutrition
- Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Department of Veterinary Pathology
Power point
- Department of Veterinary Anatomy
- Introduction to Anatomy & its Branches, Descriptive Terms used in Anatomy and Study of Anatomical Planes
- Introduction to Myology & Classification of Muscles, Etymology of Muscles, Description of Tendons, and Description of Apo neurosis Synovial Bursa & Synovial Sheath
- Introduction to Angiology and Structure of Heart
- Movements of Synovial Joints and Introduction to Myology
- Surface Region of Body
- Movements of Synovial Joints and Introduction to Myology
- Structure Of Diarthrodial Joint
- Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding
- Lecture – 1 : Biostatistics and Computer Application
- Lecture – 2 : Principles of Animal & Population Genetics
- Lecture – 4 : Principles of Animal & Population Genetics
- Lecture – 5 : Principles of Genetics & Population Genetics
- Lecture – 6 : Biostatistics and Computer Application
- Basic Concept on Genetics of Dairy Production
- Origin and Development of Statistics
- Introduction to Animal Genetics Breeding
- Introduction to Biostatistics
- Aims, Field and Types of Statistics
- Data and its Types
- Levels of Measurement
- Statistical Table
- Averages or Measures of Central Tendency
- Introduction to Presentation of Data
- One-dimensional Diagrams for Presentation of Data
- History of Computer Science
- Measures of Dispersion
- Lecture-8: Biostatistics and Computer Application
- Test of significance through t – test
- Chi-square Test of Significance
- Computer Classified on the Basis of Purpose & Size
- Correlation
- Regression
- Programming Language of Computer
- Design of Experiment
- Introduction to Flash and Flow Chart
- Analysis of Variance
- Forces changing gene and genotype frequency
- Quantitative Genetics: Components of Variance
- Population Genetics
- Change of Gene frequency due to Selection
- Quantitative Genetics: Values & Means
- Average Effect of Gene & Breeding Value
- Variance and its components
- Resemblance Between Relatives
- Repeatability
- Heritability (Principles)
- Methods to Estimate Heritability
- Variance and Standard Deviation
- Cell Division
- Components of Genetic Improvement of Dairy Cattle
- Variance and its components
- Quantitative Genetics: Values & Means
- Heritability (Principles)
- Methods to Estimate Heritability
- Breeding System
- Breeding Strategies Lecture
- Recurrent(RS) and Reciprocal Recurrent Selection (RRS)
- Selection, Types of Selection, Response to Selection and factors affecting it
- Aids to Selection
- Buffalo Breeds of Breeds of India
- Tandem Method
- Independent Culling level (ICL) Method
- Home Tract and Breed Characteristics of Goats
- Introduction to Conservation
- Introduction to Animal Breeding
- Inbreeding and its consequences
- Conservation Strategies Part-II
- Sire Evaluation
- Degree of Inbreeding and its Measurement
- Inbreeding Coefficient, Relationship Coefficient and Their Measurement
- Introduction to Animal Breeding
- Inbreeding and its consequences
- Outbreeding & its Classification
- Inbreeding Depression & Heterosis
- Genus : Strongylus
- Genus- Dictyocaulus
- Livestock Breeding Policy
- Selection and its Basis
- Methods of Selection
- Selection Index
- Department of Animal Nutrition
- Principles of animal nutrition and feed technology
- Introduction to Animal Nutrition
- Direct and Indirect Calorimetry, Carbon & Nitrogen Balance Studies
- Harmful Natural Constituents and Common Adulterants
- Hay making
- Measures of protein quality in ruminants and non-ruminants
- Mineral Nutrition
- Nutritional Terms & Their Definitions
- Partitioning of Energy in Farm Animals
- Physical, chemical and biological methods of feed processing for improving the nutritive value of inferior quality roughages
- Vitamins
- Feed Additives in the Rations of Livestock and Poultry
- Composition of Planat and Body
- Composition of Animal body and Plants
- Lecture-1:Direct and Indirect Calorimetry, Carbon & Nitrogen Balance Studies
- Lecture-2:Direct and Indirect Calorimetry, Carbon & Nitrogen Balance Studies
- Lecture-3:Harmful Natural Constituents & Common Adulterants
- Lecture-4:Harmful Natural Constituents & Common Adulterants
- Lecture-5:Harmful Natural Constituents & Common Adulterants
- Feed Additives in the Rations of Livestock and Poultry (Part-1)
- Feed Additives in the Rations of Livestock and Poultry (Part-2)
- Methods of Feed Protein Evaluation in Livestock (Part-1)
- Methods of Feed Processing for Improving Nutritive Values of Inferior Quality Roughages
- Conservation of Livestock Feed through Silage Making
- Conservation of Livestock Feed through Hay Making
- Mineral Nutrition- Mg, Na, K, Cl, S, Fe
- Applied animal nutrition -I
- Applied animal nutrition -II
- Methods adopted for assessing energy and protein requirements in Livestock
- Nutritional Management of Livestock During Scarcity
- Uses of NPN compounds in Ruminants
- Metabolic Disorders in Livestock
- Non ruminant nutrition
- Nutrient requirements in Poultry, Swine & Equine
- Feeding of Equine (Foal, Yearling, Brood Mare, Stallion & Race Horses)
- Feeding of Ducks
- Laboratory Animal Nutrition, Nutrient Requirement of Mice, Rat, Rabbit & Guinea Pig
- Nutrient Requirement and Feeding of Dogs & Cats
- Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education
- Collective Farming
- Cooperative Farming
- Peasant Farming
- Estate Farming
- Contract Farming
- Organic Farming
- Capitalistic Farming
- Extensive Farming
- Intensive Farming
- UNIT-II Extension education and development
- Extension education: Concept, levels, objectives and dimensions. philosophy and functions of extension education
- Types of education: Formal, non-formal and informal education. Principles of Extension Education
- Teaching Learning Process and Steps in Extension Teaching
- Concept of need
- Rural Development: Concept, Significance and Importance of Rural Development Programmes for Poverty Alleviation
- Pre Independent Rural Development Programs
- Post Independent Rural Development Programs
- Panchayat Raj
- History of Domestication
- Classification of Farming
- Small Scale Farming
- Large Scale Farming
- UNIT-III Communication and extension teaching methods
- Lecture-1 Communication and Extension Teaching Methods
- Lecture-2 Communication and Extension Teaching Methods
- Lecture-3 Communication and Extension Teaching Methods
- UNIT-IV Livestock economics and marketing
- Lecture-1: Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Elasticity of supply
- Lecture- 4 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 5 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 6 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 7 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 8 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 9 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- Lecture- 10 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
- UNIT-V Livestock entrepreneurship
- Lecture-1 Theories of Entrepreneurship-Self Employment opportunity in Livestock Sector
- Lecture-2 Bank support for Livestock entrepreneurship – Project preparation & Animal Insurance
- Lecture-3 Marketing Process – Project Identification and Selection
- UNIT-VI Information and communication technology
- Information and Communication Technology
- Lecture -1 : Introduction to Information and Communication Technology – ICT Application in Livestock Sector
- Lecture -2 : Advantages, Disadvantages and Examples of E-Learning
- Lecture -3 : Computer Aided Design – Virtual Class Room
- Lecture -4 : Virtual Reality and Cyber Extension
- Lecture -5 : Concept of Information Kiosk – Internet and Teleconferencing
- Lecture -6 : Computer Networking-LAN, MAN, WAN
- Lecture-1 Gender mainstreaming and Gender sensitization
- Lecture-2 Gender and Agricultural Development
- Department of Livestock Production Management
- Agronomical Practices for fodder production (Part -2)
- Fodder Production and Conservation
- Agronomical Practices for Fodder Production Part-I
- Terminology Used in Animal Husbandry
- Conservation of Fodder
- Agronomical Practices for Fodder Production (Part-I)
- Agronomical Practices for Fodder Production (Part-II)
- Scarcity Fodder
- Hay and Silage [Conservation of Fodder]
- Animal Welfare Revision Class
- Animal Welfare Part-1
- Animal Welfare Part-2
- Animal Welfare Part-3
- Animal Welfare Part-4
- Animal Welfare Part-5
- Animal Welfare Part-6
- CPCSEA, Objectives and Functions
- The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Feeding of Poultry
- Health Management of Commercial Poultry
- Structure and Composition of Eggs
- Bio security Measures to be Adopted at Poultry Farms
- Mycotoxicosis in Poultry Converted
- Hatchery Management
- Hygienic Measures Adopted at Poultry Farm
- Management of Commercial Poultry
- Poultry Farming Methods
- Care and Management of Cats
- Care and Management of Dogs
- Laboratory Animals Production
- Rabbit Production
- Classification of breeds and breeding of Dogs
- Breeds of Equines
- Care and Management of Pigs (Part-1)
- Care and Management of Pigs (Part-2)
- Care and Management of pigs (Part-3)
- Management of Piglets
- Management of pig
- Breeds of Hogs
- General Information of Horse and its Management
- Revision Class Of Pig Management
- General Information of Horse and its Management
- Yak and Mithun, its Adaptation at High Altitude and Management
- VPP-322 (FISH)
- Freshwater Fisheries
- Fish Breeding and Spawn Management
- Fish Pond Management
- Physico-Chemical Quality of Water Of Fish Pond
- Department of Livestock Products Technology
- LPT- Introductory Class
- Milk and Milk Products Technology
- Composition of Milk Part-1
- Composition of Milk Part-2
- Properties of Milk Part-1
- Properties of Milk Part-2
- Processing of Milk Part-1
- Processing of Milk Part-2
- Processing of Milk Part-3
- Milk Products Part-1
- Milk Products Part-2
- Milk Products Part-3
- Cheese
- Milk Products Part-6
- Milk Products Part-7
- Milk Products Part-8
- Milk Products Part-9
- Milk by Products Part-1
- Milk by Products Part-2
- Transport and Packaging of Milk and Milk Products
- Thermology Used in Animal Husbandry
- Abattoir by-products
- Rendering
- Bone Glue Gelatine
- Utilization of Skin and Hides
- Utilization of Visceral Organs, Offal’s and Fat by-Product From Abattoir
- Utilization of Skin and Hides
- Skin and Hides
- Pharmaceutical Uses of Abattoir By-Products
- Disposal of Carcasses
- Evaluation, Grading and Fabrication of Dressed Carcasses Including Poultry
- Abattoir Effluent Treatment
- Conversion of muscle to meat and rigor mortis
- Fraudulent substitution of Meat
- Prospects of Meat Industry in India
- Structure of Muscle
- Composition of Muscle- I
- Ageing of Meat
- Preservation of Meat and Poultry
- Nutritive Value of Meat
- Processing of Meat and Meat Products
- Composition of Muscle
- Formation and Structure of Egg
- Grading of Eggs
- Egg Products
- Egg Preservation, Packaging and Storage
- Factors affecting Egg Quality & Physico-chemical properties of Egg
- Part 1: Meat Science (JRF)
- Part 2: Meat Science (JRF)
- Part 3: Meat Science (JRF)
- Part 4: Meat Science (JRF)
- Ageing And Meat Packaging( Meat Science)
- Quality Evaluation of Meat Products
- Value Added Meat Products
- Structure and Composition of egg
- Composition And Nutritive Value Of Egg
- Preservation of eggs
- Meat Products Processing
- Packaging of Egg and Egg Products
- Organic and GMO Meat
- Department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Lecture-1 : Introduction to the Discipline
- Lecture-2 : Overview & Syllabus
- Lecture-3 : History of Pharmacology-I
- Lecture-4 : History of Pharmacology-II
- Lecture-5 : Branches & Scope of Pharmacology
- Lecture-6 : Important Terms Drug Nomenclature Dru
- Lecture-7 : Sources of Drugs
- Lecture-8 : Active Principles of Medicinal Pants
- Lecture-9 : Routes of Drug Administration
- Lecture-10 : Pharmacokinetics – Pharmacokinetic Processes & Nature of Biological Membranes
- Lecture-11 : Pharmacokinetics: Absorption (Drug Transport across Biological Membranes)
- Lecture-12 : Pharmacokinetics: Absorption (pH Partition hypothesis & other aspects of drug absorption)
- Lecture 13 : Pharmacokinetics (Distribution of Drugs), Part-1
- Lecture 14 : Pharmacokinetics (Distribution of Drugs), Part-2
- Lecture 15 : Pharmacokinetics (Biotransformation of Drugs)
- Lecture-16 : Pharmacokinetics: Excretion of Drugs
- Lecture-17 : Pharmacokinetics: Kinetics of Drug Elimination
- Lecture-18 : Pharmacokinetics: Kinetics of Drug Elimination (Part-2)
- Lecture-19 : Pharmacodynamics:(Principles & Basic Mechanisms of Drug Action)
- Lecture-20 : Pharmacodynamics: (Protein Targets for Drug Binding)
- Lecture-21 : Pharmacodynamics:(Drug Receptor Interactions, Part-1)
- Lecture-22 : Pharmacodynamics: (Drug Receptor Interactions, Part 2)
- Lecture-23 : Pharmacodynamics:(Combined Effect of Drugs & Factors affecting action of Drugs)
- Lecture1 :ANS Pharmacology: General Considerations Part-I
- Lecture 2 :ANS Pharmacology: General Considerations Part-II
- Lecture 3 :Neurohumoral Transmission Part-I
- Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System
- Neurohumoral Transmission
- Cholinergic Neurotransmission
- Cholinergic Drugs
- Anticholinergic Drugs
- Adrenergic Neurotransmission
- Adrenergic Drugs
- Antiadrenergic Drugs
- Drugs acting on Autonomic Ganglia
- Autacoids
- Neurotransmission Part-II
- Adrenergic Transmission
- Cholinergic transmission(Part-I)
- Cholinergic transmission(Part-II)
- Classification of drugs acting on CNS.
- History of Anaesthesia
- Mechanism of Anaesthesia
- Stages of General anaesthesia
- Introduction to General Anaesthetics
- Inhalant Anaesthetics
- Intravenous Anaesthetics (Barbiturates & Non-barbiturates)
- Intravenous Anaesthetics (Dissociative & other Anaesthetics)
- Hypnotics and sedatives
- Psychotropic drugs
- Anticonvulsants
- Opioid analgesics
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Analeptics and other CNS stimulants
- Drugs acting on somatic nervous system: Local anaesthetics, muscle relaxants
- Euthanizing agents
- Transmission in CNS
- Drugs Acting on Digestive System
- Drugs Acting on Cardiovascular System
- Drugs Acting on Respiratory System
- Drugs Acting on Urogenital System
- Drugs Acting on Skin and Mucous Membranes
- Bioenhancers, Immuno-Stimulants, Suppressants
- Introduction to Chemotherapy
- Problems that Arises with the use of Antibiotics
- Introduction to chemotherapy Problems that Arises with the Use of Antibiotics (Superinfection)
- Factors Determining Selection Of Antimicrobial Agent
- Beta lactam Antibiotics
- Penicillins (Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Uses, Administration and dosage of Penicillins) And beta lactamase inhibitors
- Cephalosporins
- Sulfonamide
- Cephalosporins (Pharmacokinetics and clinical uses)
- Fluroquinolones
- Macrolid Antibiotics
- Antitubercular and other Miscellaneous Drugs
- Chloramphenicol
- Tetracyclines
- Aminoglycosides
- Antifungal Agents Part-I
- Antifungal Agents Part-II
- Antifungal Agents Part-III
- Antiviral Agents Part-V
- Lecture-1: Veterinary Toxicology (Overview & Syllabus)
- Lecture-2: Introduction,Terms & Definitions related to Toxicology
- Lecture-3: Branches & Scope of Toxicology
- Heavy Metal Toxicity (Arsenic)
- Plant Toxicology
- Heavy Metal Toxicity (Lead)
- Heavy Metal Toxicity(Mercury)
- Organochlorine Insecticides
- Organophosphate Insecticides
- Carbamate Insecticides
- Pyrethroids Insecticides
- Herbicides
- Rodenticides
- Fungicides & Fumigants
- Copper Toxicity
- Molybdenum Toxicity
- Selenium Toxicity
- Adrenergic Transmission(Part-I)
- General Metal Toxicology
- Organochlorine Insecticides
- Organophosphate Insecticides
- Carbamate Insecticides
- Pyrethroid Insecticides
- Herbicides
- Rodenticides
- Fungicides & Fumigants
- Lecture-1 : Overview of the Syllabus of Chemotherapy
- Lecture-2 : General Chemotherapy Part-I
- Lecture-3 : General Chemotherapy Part-II
- Lecture-4 : General Chemotherapy Part-III
- Lecture-5 : General Chemotherapy Part-IV
- Lecture-6 : General Chemotherapy Part-V
- Lecture-7 : General Chemotherapy Part-VI
- Lecture-8 : Sulphonamides Part 1
- Lecture-9 : Sulphonamides Part 2
- Lecture-10 : Penicillines Part 1
- Lecture-11 : Penicillines Part 2
- Lecture-12 : Cephalosporins
- Lecture-13 : Aminoglycosides
- Lecture-14 : Tetracyclines
- Lecture-15 : Chloramphenicol
- Lecture-16 : Macrolide antibiotics
- Lecture-17 : Fluoroquinolones
- Lecture-18 : Miscellaneous Antibacterial Agents
- Lecture-19 : Antihelminthic (General)
- Lecture-20 : Antinematodal drugs (Part 1)
- Lecture-21 : Antinematodal drugs (Part 2)
- Lecture-22 : Anticestodal drugs
- Lecture-23 : Antitrematodal drugs
- Lecture-24 : Antitubercular drugs
- Department of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology
- Food safety and Security
- National Food Safety Acts and Standards
- Types of biohazards
- Bio-safety and risk assessment
- Abattoir – Materials, Designs and Layout
- Ante Mortem Inspection
- Dressing of Food Animals
- Humane Slaughter
- Meat and Muscle
- Meat Hygiene
- Meat Speciation
- Methods of slaughter
- Transportation of Livestock
- Introduction of Food safety
- Brief Introduction of Course
- One Health Concept and Initiatives
- Aims and Scope of Veterinary Public Health & Role of Veterinarians in Public Health
- Food Animals
- Milk and their Sources of Contamination
- Pathological Conditions Associated with The Transportation of Food Animals
- Transportation of Food Animals
- Types and Components Of Abattoir
- Methods of slaughter
- Humane Slaughter
- Scope and Importance of Environment & Environmental Hygiene
- Preservation of Milk Upload Under Section
- Methods of Animal Slaughter Humane Slaughter
- Ante Mortem Inspection
- Dressing of Carcasses
- Post Mortem Examination of Food Animals
- Milk hygiene practices in India and other countries
- Clean Milk Production
- Post Mortem examination of Food Animals
- Rigor Mortis in Carcase
- Purification of Water
- Biohazards
- Alkaline Phosphatase Test
- Meat Speciation
- Lymph Nodes Examination of Food Animals
- Plant/abattoir sanitation
- Sources of Contamination of Meat and Carcasses De-Contamination
- Lecture on Factors Influencing Occurrence of Disease in Animals
- Transmission and Maintenance of Disease
- Measurement of Disease
- Ecology of Diseases-II
- Epidemiological survey & Surveillance
- Prevention and control of zoonoses
- Introduction and objectives of Epidemiology
- Amebiasis
- Anthrax
- Listeriosis
- Leishmaniasis
- Paragonimiasis
- Superficial and Systemic mycoses
- Systemic mycoses
- Subcutaneous mycoses
- Prions Diseases
- Prevention and control of zoonoses
- Bio-diversity uses, threats and conservation
- Brief Introduction of Course
- Scope and Importance of Environment & Environmental Hygiene
- Hardness of Water
- Sources and quality of water
- Pollution of Water
- Sewage Purification and Disposal
- Purification of Water
- Noise Pollution
- Radiation Pollution
- Disposal of carcasses
- Animal houses and sanitation
- Ventilation in animal houses
- Air Pollution
- Bio-diversity uses, threats and conservation
- Brief Introduction of Course
- Scope and Importance of Environment & Environmental Hygiene
- Hardness of Water
- Sources and quality of water
- Pollution of Water
- Sewage Purification and Disposal
- Purification of Water
- Noise Pollution
- Radiation Pollution
- Disposal of carcasses
- Animal houses and sanitation
- Ventilation in animal houses
- Air Pollution
- VPE-511
- Environment and Environmental Hygiene
- Scope and Importance of Environment & Environmental Hygiene
- Bio-Diversity Uses, Threats and Conservation
- Sources and Characteristics of Water
- Department of Veterinary Biochemistry
- Structure and functions of prostaglandins
- Transport across Membranes
- Properties of Charbohydrate
- Donnan Membrane Equilibrium
- Structure of Biological Membranes
- Carbohydrates Structure And Classification
- Scope and Importance of Biochemistry
- Biochemistry of Fatty acids and triglycerides
- Biochemistry of Steroids and bile acid
- Biochemistry of Protein
- Biochemistry of Lipid
- Carbohydrate Classification
- Properties Of Amino Acids
- Structure of Protein
- Structure of Protein-II
- Properties of Proteins
- Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids
- Cholesterol Metabolism
- Ketone Bodies Metabolism
- Lipid Metabolism
- Lipid Biosynthesis
- Lipoprotein Metabolism
- Protein Metabolism-1
- Protein metabolism- 2
- Metabolism
- Protein Metabolism- Protein Synthesis
- Nucleotide Metabolism
- Dna Replication
- Pentose phosphate pathway (hexose monophosphate shunt)
- Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Bioenergetics
- Gluconeogenesis and Glycogen Metabolism
- Citric Acid cycle or Tricarboxylic Acid cycle or Krebs Cycle
- Allosteric Regulation
- Mechanism of enzyme action and enzyme unit
- Factor Affecting Enzyme Action
- Enzyme Units
- Enzyme classification and properties
- Renal Function Tests
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Ketosis
- Bovine Ketosis & Pregency Toxemia
- Hypoglycemia in Neonatal Piglets
- Liver Function Tests
- Fluid and Electrolyte balance
- Biochemical basis of Fluid Therapy
- Biochemistry of oxidative stress
- Biochemistry of digestive disorders
- Biochemistry of Shock
- Introduction to Biotechnology
- Genomic DNA & cDNA Libraries
- Embryo Transfer in Cattle
- Cloning and expression vector
- Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Monoclonal antibodies
- In-vitro fertilization
- Gene Cloning
- Blotting Techniques
- DNA Probes and DNA Fingerprinting
- DNA Sequencing
- Animal Cloning: Transgenic Animal
- Biopharming
- Animal Cell Culture
- Intellectual Property Rights
- VLD-411
- Collection and labeling of body fluid samples
- Clinical Significance and Interpretation of Blood Urea Nitrogen
- Department of Veterinary Microbiology
- Mycoplasma
- Chlamydia & Chlamydophila
- Reproduction of Fungi
- General Properties of Fungi
- Cryptococcus
- Spirochaetes
- Brucella
- Actinobacillus
- Campylobacter
- Salmonella
- Escherichia coli-I
- Haemophilus
- Gram Negative Non-Spore Forming Anaerobe
- General Introduction of Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Diseases
- History of Microbiology
- Reproduction of Fungi
- Microscopy and Micrometry
- Methods of Sterilization and Disinfection
- Normal, Opportunistic and Saprophytic Bacterial Flora\
- Pathogenicity, Virulence, Bacteraemia, Septicaemia and Toxaemia
- Orientation to Bacteriology Laboratory
- Structure and morphology of Bacteria
- Methods of Sterilization and Disinfection- Part II (PRACTICAL)
- Bacterial Genetics
- Plasmids and Antibiotic resistance
- Virulence
- Preparation of Media for Cultivation of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria
- Genus –Streptococcus
- Methods of Inoculation Cultivation of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria
- Corynebacterium Trueperella Rhodococcus
- Listeria & Erysipelothrix
- Isolation of bacteria in pure culture
- Genus Clostridium
- Anaerobic Bacteria Culture(Practical)
- Bacilli
- Clostridium perfringens (Cl.welchii)
- Mycobacterium
- Yersinia, Proteus
- Salmonella
- Pasteurella and Mannheimia
- Southern blotting and Western blotting
- What is Bioinformatics
- Gene cloning
- DNA sequencing and Fingerprints
- Transformation
- Parvoviridae
- Adenoviridae
- Asfarviridae
- Circoviridae and Chicken Anaemia Virus
- Poxviridae
- Poxviridae-1
- Herpesviridae
- Duck Plague Virus
- Malignant Catarrhal
- Prions
- Pseudorabies
- Avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus
- Gallid Herpesvirus 2 (Marek’s Disease Virus)
- Paramyxoviridae
- Newcastle disease virus
- PPR Virus
- Canine Distemper Virus
- Asfarviridae
- Herpesviridae
- Bovine Herpesvirus 1
- Parvoviridae
- Circoviridae
- Peste Des Petits Ruminant
- Canine Distemper Virus
- Rinderpest virus
- Coronaviridae
- Picornaviridae
- Flaviviridae
- Rhabdoviridae
- Togaviridae
- Birnaviridae
- Malignant catarrhal fever virus
- Pseudorabies virus
- Marek’s Disease
- Orthopoxvirus
- Poxviridae
- Capripoxvirus
- Avipox virus
- Retroviridae
- Prions
- Bluetongue virus
- African Horse Sickness Virus
- Department of Veterinary Parasitology
- Types of Parasites
- Introduction of Veterinary Parasitology & Historical Landmark
- Types of Hosts and Vectors
- Animal Association
- Mode of Transmission of Parasites
- Methods of Dissemination of Parasites
- Premunity….. and Harmful Immune Response
- Immunity against Parasitic Infections/Infestations
- Tissue Reactions Caused by Parasites
- General Harmful Effects of Parasites
- General Control Measures of Parasitic Infections -I
- General Control Measures of Parasitic Infections-II
- Salient Characters of Phylum : Platyhelminthes
- Salient Characters of Phylum: Acanthocephala
- Salient Characters of Phylum: Nemathelminthes
- Immune Evasion by Parasites
- Salient Characters of Phylum: Arthropoda
- Salient Characters of Protozoa
- Faecal Examination Techniques-I (Practical)
- Faecal Examination Techniques –II (Practical)
- Specific Tissues lesions Caused by the Parasites ( Practical)
- Blood Smear Preparation: Wet, Thin and Thick Smears (Practical)
- Staining of Blood Smears for Demonstration of Microfilariae and Haemoprotozoan Parasites (Practical)
- Demonstration of the Types of Final and Intermediate Hosts (Practical)
- Genus : Taenia
- General Cestodes
- Equine Tapeworms
- Ruminants Tapeworms
- Dog Tapeworms-I
- Dog Tapeworms-II
- Poultry Tapeworms
- Broad Fish Tapeworms Spirometra
- Genus: Fasciola
- Trematodes
- Genus : Schistosoma
- Genus :Fasciolopsis
- Genus : Cotylophoron
- Genus : Paramphistomum
- Genus : Prosthogonimus
- Genus : Paragonimus
- Genus : Opisthorchis
- Genus – Dicrocoelium
- Genus-Echinococcus
- Genus-Taenia
- Genus : Anoplocephala
- Genus : Moniezia
- Genus : Stilesia
- Genus : Echinococcus
- Genus : Bunostomum
- Genus : Mullerius
- Genus : Ancylostoma
- Family: Oxyuridae Pin worms
- Heterakis Gallinarum (Poultry Ascarid worm)
- Ascaridia galli (Poultry Ascarid worm)
- Toxocara vitulorum Family: Ascarididae
- Ascaris suum Family: Ascarididae
- Parascaris equorum Family: Ascarididae
- Toxocara canis Family: Ascarididae
- Toxocara cati Family: Ascarididae
- Dioctophyma Renale
- Stephanurus Dentatus
- Genus : Spirocerca
- Genus : Thelazia
- Genus : Protostrongylus
- Trichinella
- Trichuris
- Anthelmintic Resistance
- Capillaria
- Dracunculus
- Macrocanthorhynchus
- Genus : Habronema
- Genus : Mecistocirrus
- Genus : Oesophagostomum
- Genus : Gongylonema
- Genus : Strongyloides
- Genus- Physaloptera
- Genus : Syngamus
- Stephanofilaria
- Onchocerca
- Parafilaria
- Setaria
- Genus : Phlebotomus
- Genus : Simulium
- Genus : Anopheline & Culicine
- Entomology
- Tabanus
- General life cycle & Developmental stage
- Introduction, General account, Classification & Morphology
- Culicoides
- Hippobosca
- Acarology
- Genus- Ixodes
- Genus- Rhipicepahalus
- Genus : Hyalomma
- Genus Amblyomma
- Genus Boophilus
- Genus Dermacenter
- Genus Haemaphysalis
- Genus Argas
- Genus Otobius
- Genus Ornithodorus.
- Class: Arachnida
- Genus :Musca
- Genus : Oestrids
- Genus : Tabanus
- Genus : Hippobosca
- Genus :Calliphorids
- Genus: Anopheline & Culicine
- Genus: Phlebotomus
- Genus: Simulium
- General Characters of Protozoa
- Trypanosomes
- Leishmania
- Theileria
- Babesia
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Eimeria
- Sarcocystis
- Haemoproteus
- Entamoeba
- Ehrlichia
- Cryptosporidium
- Balantidium coli
- Anaplasma
- Trichomonads
- Neospora caninum
- Plasmodium
- Leucocytozoon
- Histomonas
- Hexamita and Giardia
- Hepatozoon
- Department of Veterinary Pathology
- Shock
- Chemical Mediators of Inflammation
- Thrombosis
- Apoptosis
- Fatty Change/Hepatic Lipidosis
- Photosensitization
- Amyloidosis
- Wound Healing
- Necrosis & It`s Classification
- Immune Evasion by Parasites
- Hemodynamic Disorder
- Apoptosis
- Gangrene
- Amylodosis
- Hemodynamic Disorder (Oedema)
- Fatty Change (steatosis)
- Cell Injury Part – I
- Cell Injury
- Disturbances of Pigment Metabolism
- Inflammation Definition, Cause & Types
- Cell Injury
- Vascular Events of Acute Inflammation
- Cellular Events In Inflammation
- Disturbances in Growth
- Pathology of Digestive System-1
- Pathology of Urinary System
- Affections of Eye and Ear
- Patho-physiology of Endocrine Glands-1
- Patho-physiology of Endocrine Glands – 2
- Pathological Changes Affecting to Musculoskeletal System Part-1
- Pathological Changes Affecting to Musculoskeletal System Part-2
- Neoplasm
- Biopsy and Cytopathology
- Veterinary Clinical Haematology
- Equine Viral Diseases
- Classical Swine Fever
- Eqiune Infectious Anaemia
- Pox
- Immunopathology
- Diagnostic cytopathology
- Post Mortem Examination (Birds)-1
- Tumour Immunity
- Tumours of Different Tissue
- Mycotoxicosis in Poultry
- Avian Salmonellosis
- Aspergillosis in Poultry
- Ranikhet Disease in Poultry
- Coccidiosis in Poultry
- Infectious Bursal Disease
- Protozoan Disease in Poultry
- Avian Infectious Bronchitis
- Chicken Infectious Anemia
- Fowl Pox
- Fowl Cholera
- Colibacillosis
- Necrotic Enteritis
- Antrax
- Brucellosis
- Campylobacteriosis
- Clostridial Group of Diseases
- Colibacilosis
- Foot and mouth Diseases
- Glanders
- Haemorrhagic Septicemia
- Hog Cholera
- Paratuberculosis
- Rabies
- Rinderpest
- Strangles
- Eqiune Infectious Anaemia
- Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP)
- Prion Diseases
- Vesicular Disease
- Rickettsial Diseases
- Piroplasmosis
- Gross and Microscopic Pathology of Flukes
- Lactation
- Mammogenesis
- Galactopoiesis
- Gross and Microscopic Pathology of Flukes
- Pathological Calcification
- Gross And Microscopic Pathology Of Cestodes
- Gross & Microscopic Pathology of Nematodes in Domestic Animals
- Actinomycosis
- Synoactinobacillosisnym : Wooden Tongue
- Avian Reoviral Diseases, Egg Drop Syndrome-76 & Avian Viral Nephritis
- Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
- Ovary : its functions and follicular dynamics
- Animal Birth Control in Canine (Non- Surgical Interventions)
- Animal Birth Control
- Ovulation
- Folliculogenesis and Follicular Dynamics
- Clinical Anatomy of Female Reproductive System
- Puberty and Breeding Patterns in Animals
- Estrous Cycle and Its Stages
- Transportation and Survivability of Gametes in Female Reproductive Tract
- Estrous Cycle in Canine and Feline
- Estrous Cycle in Ovine Caprine and Swine, Anestrus and its Treatment
- Estrous Cycle in Equine and Camels, Anestrus and its Treatment
- Forms of Male Infertility
- Testicular Hypoplasia and Testicular Degeneration
- Principal, Procedure and application of Ultrasonography in Farm and Pet Animal Reproduction
- Misalliance and its Treatment -Medical Termination of Pregancy
- Ovulation Failure and its Treatment
- Synchonization of Estrus and Ovulation
- Hereditary and Congenital Anomalies of Female Reproductive Tract
- Infertility in cows – I (Cystic ovarian disease)
- Population Control in Bitches
- Diagnostic Procedure in Infertility Investigation
- Storage and Shipment of Semen
- Hereditary and Congenital Anomalies of Female Reproductive Tract
- Factors Affecting the Length of Estrus Cycle
- Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy
- Implantation and Placentation
- Teratology
- Uterine Torsion
- Obstetrical Operation
- Retention of Placenta
- Fetotomy
- Technique of Vaginopexy Operation in Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse in Cows
- Cesarean Section in Bovines
- Applied Endocrinology of Pregnancy
- Fetal Mummification
- Care and management of pregnant animals
- Cesarean Section
- Fetal Maceration
- Management of Prolapse in Bovine
- Clinical Management of Infectious and Non-infectious Abortion
- Uterine Prolapse
- Dropsy of Fetal Membranes
- Postpartum Care of Dam and Newborn
- Pregnancy Diagnosis
- Parturient Care of Dam And Newborn – Ii (Mare, Sheep, Goat, Sow, Bitch, Cat)
- Maternal obstetrical paralysis and Injuries incidental to parturition
- Postpartum Diseases and Complications Part 1
- Postpartum Diseases and Complications Part-2
- Postpartum Diseases and Complications Part-3
- Postpartum Diseases and Complications Part-4
- Parturition
- Stages of Parturition
- Postpartum uterine infection(Puerperal Metritis)
- Diseases and Complications of Pregnancy Part-1 (Hydroallantois and Hydroamnion)
- Pre-Term Induction of Parturition
- Management of Dystocia in Canines
- Dystocia in Dog and Cats
- Cesareans Section in Dog and Cat
- Pelvimetry
- Induction of Parturition
- Factors affecting libido of Breeding Bulls
- Unit of Radiation Measurement & Hazards
- Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa
- Sexual Behavior
- Semen Extension
- Semen Evaluation
- Methods of Semen Collection
- Artificial Insemination
- Impotentia Generandi
- Teratology
- VGO-511
- Introduction of Artificial Insemination
- Introduction to Andrology Development of male genitalia and gonads
- VGO 411
- Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
- Radiology – 2
- Wound
- Wound Part and Burn And Scald
- General Surgery-I
- Suture Material and Suturing Techniques –II
- Suture Material and Suturing Techniques –III
- Suture Material and Suturing Techniques –IV
- Suture Material and Suturing Techniques -V
- Suture Material and Suturing Techniques -VI
- Ear
- Affections of Teeth and their Treatment
- Affections of Salivary Gland and Their Treatment
- Surgical Affection of Oesophagus
- Surgical Affections of Trachea
- Affections of Horn and their Treatment
- Affections of Jaw and their Treatment
- Affections of Nose And Treatment
- General Surgery
- Radiology-1
- Abdomen
- Urinary System
- Urolithiasis
- Teat and Udder Surgery
- Thoracic and Abdomen
- Affections of the Lips and Cheek and Their Treatment
- Affection of Tongue and their Treatment
- Caecal Dilation and Torsion
- Surgical Affection of Rectum and Vagina
- Castration in Animals
- Ovariohysterectomy in Dogs
- Gastric Dilatation In Canines
- Surgical Affections of Female Genital System
- Anal Sac Disease
- Canine Mammary Neoplasm
- Intestinal obstruction
- Surgical Affections of Male Reproductive System-I
- Intussusception And Vulvulus
- Surgical Affections of Male Reproductive System-II
- Surgical Affection of Tail and Docking
- Ectopic Ureter
- Surgical Site in Animal
- Wild Animal Surgery
- Thoracotomy
- Abomasal Displacement
- Surgical Management of Upward Fixation of Patella (UFP)/Stringhalt in Large Animals
- Classification of Fracture in Animals
- Solar Ulceration
- Punctured Sole
- Lameness Part – III
- Equine Foot Affections- I
- White line Separation and Abscessation and Laminitis
- Navicular Disease, Side Bones and Quittor
- Sand Crack
- Lameness Part -V
- Fracture – I
- Fracture – II
- Fracture – III
- Techniques of Fracture Reduction
- Techniques of External Fracture Fixation-I
- Techniques of External Fracture Fixation-II
- Internal Immobilization of Fracture-I
- Internal Immobilization of Fracture-II
- Dislocations – I
- Lameness Part -VII
- VSR-511
- VSR-411
- Introduction and Basics of Anaesthesia
- Pre-anaesthetic Consideration
- Anaesthesiology Pre-anaesthetic Agent and Their Classification
- Department of Veterinary Medicine
- Anaemia
- Common Clinical Poisoning
- Oedema
- Bordetella
- Estimate & pattern of diseases
- History, Scope & Concept of Animal Diseases
- Clinical Examination
- Practical No. 3 : History Taking
- Fever
- Pain
- Septicemia/Viremia
- Normal, Opportunistic and Saprophytic Bacterial Flora
- Diseases of Respiratory System (Kennel cough/Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis (ITB) )
- Fluid therapy in animals
- Diseases of Respiratory System (Pneumonia)
- Animal Welfare (Acts And Rules Of Animal Welfare)
- Classical_swine_Fever
- Gastric and Peritoneal Lavage
- Oxygen Therapy in Veterinary Practice
- Simple Indigestion
- Acidosis
- Vagus Indigestion
- Streptomyces and Dermatophilus
- Conjunctivitis
- Indication and Physical Examination of Cardiac Diseases
- Electrocardiography Part-1
- Electrocardiography Part-2
- Heart Failure
- Liver Disorders I
- Liver Disorder-II (Jaundice)
- Acute Heart Failure & Cardiac diseases
- Blood Transfusion in Cattle and Dog
- Hepatitis
- Downer Cow Syndrome(DCS)
- Diseases of the Eye-1
- Diseases of Pancreas (Pancreatitis)
- Examination of Urinary System
- Critical Care and Emergency Medicine
- Diseases of Nervous system-II (Neurological Examination )
- Diseases of Urinary System Part-1
- Diseases of Respiratory System (Rhinitis)
- Diseases of Respiratory System (Epistaxis, Nasal Obstruction & Tracheal Collapse )
- Practical No.3 : Special examination of Respiratory system
- Principles of Zoo Hygiene
- Diseases of Respiratory System (Laryngitis)
- Diseases of Digestive system
- Diseases of Respiratory System (Pneumonia)
- Abomasitis
- Diseases of Urinary System Part-2
- Collection and Examination of Peritoneal Fluid
- Diseases of Respiratory System (Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
- Diseases of Respiratory System (Pneumonia)
- Examination of Eye and Ear
- Diseases of Respiratory System (Bronchitis )
- Alkalosis
- Abomasal Displacement
- Diseases of Respiratory System (Pneumonia)
- Diseases of Respiratory System(Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD))
- Diseases of Musculoskeletal System (Arthritis)
- Diseases of Musculoskeletal System (Rickets)
- Death from Drowning, Lightning and Electrocution
- Zinc deficiency
- Vitamins
- Deficiency Disorders
- Managanese Deficiency
- Calf Scour
- Calf Pneumonia
- Tick Fever in Neonates
- Milk Fever
- Vit. E and Se Deficiency
- Azoturia
- Fat Cow Syndrome
- Hypomagnesaemic Tetany (Lactation Tetany, Grass Staggers, Grass Tetany)
- Hypothyroidism
- Eclampsia
- Iodine Deficiency
- Ketosis
- Post Parturient Haemoglobinuria (PPH)
- Cushings Syndrome / Disease
- Iron,Cobalt and Copper deficiency
- Diabetese Mellitus (Hypoinsulinism)
- Canine Hypoadrenocorticism(Addison Disease)
- Gout
- Osteodystrophy Fibrosa
- Vitamin a Deficiency (Hypovitaminosis-A)
- Vitamin K Deficiency
- Vitamin D Deficiency Part-I
- Vitamin D Deficiency Part-II
- Se- and VE-Responsive or Deficiency Diseases
- Neonatal Diseases
- Public Health Problems Arising From Zoo
- Prevention, Control and Treatment of Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals Part-I
- Foot and Mouth Disease
- Bacterial Diseases of Wild And Zoo Animals
- Principles of Zoo Hygiene
- Parasitic diseases to Zoo and Wild animal
- Viral diseases of wild and zoo animals
- National and International Organizations and Institutions Linked To Wild and Zoo Animals – Role and Functions
- Acts and Rules Related to Zoo and Wild Animals
- An Introduction to Zoo and Wild Animal
- Acinomycosis
- Anthrax
- Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia
- Glanders
- Hemorrhagic Septicaemia
- Strangles
- Ulcerative Lymphangitis
- Rabies
- Listeriosis
- Tetanus
- Botulism
- Enteropathogenic and enterotoxaemia producing clostrida
- Treatment and control of histotoxic clostridial diseases
- Leptospirosis
- Tuberculosis
- Mastitis
- Bordetellosis
- Fowl Typhoid
- Colibacilosis
- Brucellosis
- Ehrlichiosis
- Swine Erysipelas(Diamond Skin disease)
- Salmonellosis
- Avian Mycoplasmosis (Chronic Respiratory Disease, CRD)
- Fowl Cholera
- Spirochetosis
- Ascariasis
- Canine Distemper
- Canine Parvovirus Infections
- Hook Worm Diseases
- Haemonchosis of small Ruminants
- Oesophagostomosis
- Parasitic Gastroenteritis of Ruminants
- Rabies
- Blood Transfusion
- Strongylosis in Horses or Red worm disease
- Habronemiasis and Heart worm Disease
- Infectious Canine Hepatitis
- Newcastle Disease
- Parafilariosis, Theilaziosis and Kumri
- Tape worm Diseases
- Shistosomosis
- Infectious Bursal Disease
- Amphistomiasis
- Schistosomiasis
- Theileriosis
- Rinderpest
- Malignant Catarrhal Fever
- BVD/Mucosal Disease
- Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
- Ephemeral fever/Three days sickness
- Equine Infectious Anemia
- Rabies
- Role of Veterinarians
- Animal Welfare(Wildlife Wardens)
- Animal Welfare (AWBI)
- Common Offences Against Animals in India
- Vetero-Legal Aspects of Wounds
- Animal Welfare (Acts And Rules Of Animal Welfare)
- Animal Welfare (Welfare Of Animals During Transportation)
- Animal Welfare(Welfare of Drought and Pack Animals)
- Animal Welfare (Wildlife Protection And Welfare)
- Parafilariosis, Theilaziasis and Kumri
- Management of Common Clinical Poisoning
- Diseases of Skin Part-1
- Diseases of skin Part -2
- Avian Influenza
- Babesiosis
- Blue Tongue
- Bovine Ephemeral Fever
- Common Anaesthetics and Anaesthesia in Dogs
- Duties of AWO
- VMD-421
- VMD-511
- Animal welfare & Ethics
- Gastritis and Gastric Erosive-ulcerative Disease
- Animal Welfare(class-5) (AWBI)
- VMD-513
- Bloat
- Department of Veterinary Physiology
- Anesthesiology
- Blood
- Cardiovascular System
- Physiology of cardiovascular System
- Neuromuscular system
- Physiology of Nervous System
- EYE (Vision)
- EYE (Vision)
- Digestive System
- Digestive Physiology
- Respiratory system
- Physiology of Respiratory System of Domestic Animals
- Digestive System-III
- Digestive System-IV
- Endocrinology
- Excretory System
- Thyroid Gland Part – I
- Thyroid Gland Part – II
- Adrenal Glands
- Pancreas
- Placentation
- Parathyroid Hormone
- Growth Environmental Climatology
- Puberty and Breeding patterns in animals
- Work Physiology
- Growth
- Environmentalogy
- Animal Behaviour
- Climatology
- Adaptation of Animals to cold climate
- Adaptation of Animals to hot climate
- Adaptation Physiology
- Stress Physiology
- Physiology of Thermoregulation
- Physiology of Pregnancy
- Ovary : its functions and follicular dynamics
- Female Reproduction System
- Male Reproductive System
- Estrous Cycle in Farm Animals
- Ovulation
- Semen Dynamics
- Sperm Transport and Fertilization
- Department of Veterinary Clinical complex
- Lecture-1:Routes & Techniques of Administration of Medicine in Animals
- Lecture-2:Routes & techniques of administration of medicine in animals
- Lecture-3:Recording of temperature, respiration and pulse in animals
- Lecture-4:Clinical Examination of GIT of Ruminants
- Traumatic Reticulo-peritonitis(Hardware Disease)
- Stomatitis
- Examination of cases of Metritis
- Diarrhoea
- Tuberculin Test
- Pregnancy Diagnosis in cattle
- Canine Parvoviral Infection
- Vaccination in Ruminants
- Catherisation and Urine Collection in Dogs
- Viral Diseases of Dogs & Cat
- VCP-411
- Lecture-1: Routes & Techniques of Administration of Medicine in Animals
- Lecture-2 : Routes & Techniques of Administration of Medicine in Animals
- Handling and Restraing Of Dog
- Practice of Artificial Insemination
- Catheterization and Urine Collection in Dogs
- VCP-511
- Treatment and Management of Wounds and Abscess
- Pregnancy Diagnosis in cattle
- Examination of cases of Metritis
- Handling and Management of Retention of Placenta
- Clinical Examination and Management of Cases of Anoestrus
- Treatment and Management of Fracture in Dogs
- Department Of Livestock Farm Complex
- Lecture on Feeding of Farm Animal
- Routine Activities at Livestock Farm Complex
- Feeding of Farm Animal
- Data Recording
- Round The Year Fodder Production
- Selection of Livestock
- Poultry Breeding
- Fodder Production in Rabi Season
- Phenotypic and Genotypic effect of Inbreeding in Livestock
- General Health Management at Livestock Farm Complex
- Department of Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics( Courtesy by Prof G N Purohit, Head)
- Lecture 1 Hormones Basics
- Lecture 2 Hormones of reproduction in domestic animals
- Lecture 3 Estrous cycle and estrus signs in domestic animals
- Lecture 4 Estrus detection dairy cows
- Lecture 5 Follicular dynamics in domestic animals
- Lecture 6 Estrus synchronization
- Lecture 7 Bovine Infertility
- Lecture 8 Anestrus in domestic animals
- Lecture 9 Ovarian cysts
- Lecture 10 Repeat Breeding
- Lecture 11 Bovine and Bubaline Infertility-Non-specific Genital affections
- Lecture 12 Bovine Infectious infertility
- Lecture 13 Pregnancy Diagnosis in Farm and Pet Animals
- Lecture 14 Equine infertility
- Lecture 15 Infertility in sheep and goats
- Lecture 16 Porcine Infertility-converted
- Lecture 17 Canine Infertility
- Lecture 18 Camelid Infertility
- Lecture 19 Reroduction and infertility in female buffaloes
- Lecture 20 Superovulation and embryo transfer in cattle
- Lecture 21 Immunomodulation for Fecundity enhancement
- Lecture 22 Effect of nutrition on bovine reproduction-converted
- Lecture 23 Herd Health Management and Fertility Parameters
- Anatomy of Female Reproductive Organs in Domestic Animals
- Functional Physiology of the Female Genital Organs of the Domestic Animals
- Bubaline Theriogenology
- Artificial insemination techniques in farm and pet animals
- Puberty in domestic animals
- Lecture 1 Pregnancy in Domestic Animals
- Lecture 2 Placenta Formation and Growth
- Lecture 3 Diseases and Accidents of Gestation
- Lecture 4 Congenital Fetal Defects (Teratology)
- Lecture 6 Peurperium in Domestic Animals
- Lecture 7 Causes of Dystocia in farm animals
- Lecture 8 Uterine Torsion in Domestic Animals
- Lecture 9 Obstetrical Operations
- Lecture 10 Cesarean in domestic farm and pet animals
- Lecture 11 Genital Surgeries in domestic animals
- Lecture 12 Postpartum complications in large domestic animals
- Lecture 13 Genital Prolapse in domestic animals
- Lecture 14 Postpartum complications in sheep and goats
- Lecture 15 Postpartum complications in the bitch
- Lecture 16 Animal Birth control
- Pictorial guide to Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Repeat Breeding in Cattle and Buffalo: New Concepts in Diagnosis and Therapy
- Hysteroscopy in Large Domestic Animals
- Recent Approaches in Therapy of Infertility in Equines
- Ultrasonography in Animal Reproduction
Illustrative Pathology
e- courses