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B.V.Sc & A. H. Study Materials

B.V.Sc & A. H. Study Materials

 Lectures/ Notes

Power point

  • Department of Veterinary Anatomy  
  1. Introduction to Anatomy & its Branches, Descriptive Terms used in Anatomy and Study of Anatomical Planes
  2. Introduction to Myology & Classification of Muscles, Etymology of Muscles, Description of Tendons, and Description of Apo neurosis Synovial Bursa & Synovial Sheath
  3. Introduction to Angiology and Structure of Heart
  4. Movements of Synovial Joints and Introduction to Myology
  5. Surface Region of Body
  6. Movements of Synovial Joints and Introduction to Myology
  7. Structure Of Diarthrodial Joint
  • Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding
  1. Lecture – 1 : Biostatistics and Computer Application
  2. Lecture – 2 : Principles of Animal & Population Genetics 
  3. Lecture – 4 : Principles of Animal & Population Genetics
  4. Lecture – 5 : Principles of Genetics & Population Genetics
  5. Lecture – 6 : Biostatistics and Computer Application
  6. Basic Concept on Genetics of Dairy Production
  7. Origin and Development of Statistics
  8. Introduction to Animal Genetics Breeding
  9. Introduction to Biostatistics
  10. Aims, Field and Types of Statistics
  11. Data and its Types
  12. Levels of Measurement
  13. Statistical Table
  14. Averages or Measures of Central Tendency
  15. Introduction to Presentation of Data
  16. One-dimensional Diagrams for Presentation of Data
  17. History of Computer Science
  18. Measures of Dispersion
  19. Lecture-8: Biostatistics and Computer Application
  20. Test of significance through t – test
  21. Chi-square Test of Significance
  22. Computer Classified on the Basis of Purpose & Size
  23. Correlation
  24. Regression
  25. Programming Language of Computer
  26. Design of Experiment
  27. Introduction to Flash and Flow Chart
  28. Analysis of Variance
  29. Forces changing gene and genotype frequency
  30. Quantitative Genetics: Components of Variance
  31. Population Genetics
  32. Change of Gene frequency due to Selection
  33. Quantitative Genetics: Values & Means
  34. Average Effect of Gene & Breeding Value
  35. Variance and its components
  36. Resemblance Between Relatives
  37. Repeatability
  38. Heritability (Principles)
  39. Methods to Estimate Heritability
  40. Variance and Standard Deviation
  41. Cell Division
  42. Components of Genetic Improvement of Dairy Cattle
  43. Variance and its components
  44. Quantitative Genetics: Values & Means
  45. Heritability (Principles)
  46. Methods to Estimate Heritability
  47. Breeding System
  48. Breeding Strategies Lecture
  49. Recurrent(RS) and Reciprocal Recurrent Selection (RRS)
  50. Selection, Types of Selection, Response to Selection and factors affecting it
  51. Aids to Selection
  52. Buffalo Breeds of Breeds of India
  53. Tandem Method
  54. Independent Culling level (ICL) Method
  55. Home Tract and Breed Characteristics of Goats
  56. Introduction to Conservation
  57. Introduction to Animal Breeding
  58. Inbreeding and its consequences
  59. Conservation Strategies Part-II
  60. Sire Evaluation
  61. Degree of Inbreeding and its Measurement
  62. Inbreeding Coefficient, Relationship Coefficient and Their Measurement
  63. Introduction to Animal Breeding
  64. Inbreeding and its consequences
  65. Outbreeding & its Classification
  66. Inbreeding Depression & Heterosis
  67. Genus : Strongylus
  68. Genus- Dictyocaulus
  69. Livestock Breeding Policy
  70. Selection and its Basis
  71. Methods of Selection
  72. Selection Index
  • Department of Animal Nutrition 
  • Principles of animal nutrition and feed technology
  1. Introduction to Animal Nutrition
  2. Direct and Indirect Calorimetry, Carbon & Nitrogen Balance Studies
  3. Harmful Natural Constituents and Common Adulterants
  4. Hay making
  5. Measures of protein quality in ruminants and non-ruminants
  6. Mineral Nutrition
  7. Nutritional Terms & Their Definitions
  8. Partitioning of Energy in Farm Animals
  9. Physical, chemical and biological methods of feed processing for improving the nutritive value of inferior quality roughages
  10. Vitamins
  11. Feed Additives in the Rations of Livestock and Poultry
  12. Composition of Planat and Body
  13. Composition of Animal body and Plants
  14. Lecture-1:Direct and Indirect Calorimetry, Carbon & Nitrogen Balance Studies
  15. Lecture-2:Direct and Indirect Calorimetry, Carbon & Nitrogen Balance Studies
  16. Lecture-3:Harmful Natural Constituents & Common Adulterants
  17. Lecture-4:Harmful Natural Constituents & Common Adulterants
  18. Lecture-5:Harmful Natural Constituents & Common Adulterants
  19. Feed Additives in the Rations of Livestock and Poultry (Part-1)
  20. Feed Additives in the Rations of Livestock and Poultry (Part-2)
  21. Methods of Feed Protein Evaluation in Livestock (Part-1)
  22. Methods of Feed Processing for Improving Nutritive Values of Inferior Quality Roughages
  23. Conservation of Livestock Feed through Silage Making
  24. Conservation of Livestock Feed through Hay Making
  25. Mineral Nutrition- Mg, Na, K, Cl, S, Fe
  • Applied animal nutrition -I 
  1. Balanced Ration and its characteristics
  2. Goat Feeding
  • Applied animal nutrition -II
  1. Methods adopted for assessing energy and protein requirements in Livestock
  2. Nutritional Management of Livestock During Scarcity
  3. Uses of NPN compounds in Ruminants
  4. Metabolic Disorders in Livestock
  • Non ruminant nutrition
  1. Nutrient requirements in Poultry, Swine & Equine
  2. Feeding of Equine (Foal, Yearling, Brood Mare, Stallion & Race Horses)
  3. Feeding of Ducks
  4. Laboratory Animal Nutrition, Nutrient Requirement of Mice, Rat, Rabbit & Guinea Pig
  1. Collective Farming
  2. Cooperative Farming
  3. Peasant Farming
  4. Estate Farming
  5. Contract Farming
  6. Organic Farming
  7. Capitalistic Farming
  8. Extensive Farming
  9. Intensive Farming
  • UNIT-II Extension education and development
  1. Extension education: Concept, levels, objectives and dimensions. philosophy and functions of extension education
  2. Types of education: Formal, non-formal and informal education. Principles of Extension Education
  3. Teaching Learning Process and Steps in Extension Teaching
  4. Concept of need
  5. Rural Development: Concept, Significance and Importance of Rural Development Programmes for Poverty Alleviation
  6. Pre Independent Rural Development Programs
  7. Post Independent Rural Development Programs
  8. Panchayat Raj
  9. History of Domestication
  10. Classification of Farming
  11. Small Scale Farming
  12. Large Scale Farming
  • UNIT-III Communication and extension teaching methods
  1. Lecture-1 Communication and Extension Teaching Methods
  2. Lecture-2 Communication and Extension Teaching Methods
  3. Lecture-3 Communication and Extension Teaching Methods
  • UNIT-IV  Livestock economics and marketing
  1. Lecture-1Livestock Economics and Marketing
  2. Elasticity of supply 
  3. Lecture- 4 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
  4. Lecture- 5 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
  5. Lecture- 6 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
  6. Lecture- 7 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
  7. Lecture- 8 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
  8. Lecture- 9 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
  9. Lecture- 10 : Livestock Economics and Marketing
  • UNIT-V Livestock entrepreneurship
  1. Lecture-1 Theories of Entrepreneurship-Self Employment opportunity in Livestock Sector
  2. Lecture-2 Bank support for Livestock entrepreneurship – Project preparation & Animal Insurance
  3. Lecture-3 Marketing Process – Project Identification and Selection
  •  UNIT-VI Information and communication technology
  1. Information and Communication Technology
  2. Lecture -1 : Introduction to Information and Communication Technology – ICT Application in Livestock Sector
  3. Lecture -2 : Advantages, Disadvantages and Examples of E-Learning
  4. Lecture -3 : Computer Aided Design – Virtual Class Room
  5. Lecture -4 : Virtual Reality and Cyber Extension
  6. Lecture -5 : Concept of Information Kiosk – Internet and Teleconferencing
  7. Lecture -6 : Computer Networking-LAN, MAN, WAN
  1. Lecture-1 Gender mainstreaming and Gender sensitization
  2. Lecture-2 Gender and Agricultural Development
  1. Lecture-1: Livestock Entrepreneurship
  2. Lecture-2: Livestock Entrepreneurship
  1. Fodder Production and Conservation
  2. Agronomical Practices for Fodder Production Part-I
  3. Terminology Used in Animal Husbandry
  4. Conservation of Fodder
  5. Agronomical Practices for Fodder Production (Part-I)
  6. Agronomical Practices for Fodder Production (Part-II)
  7. Scarcity Fodder
  8. Hay and Silage [Conservation of Fodder]
  1. Animal Welfare Revision Class
  2. Animal Welfare Part-1
  3. Animal Welfare Part-2
  4. Animal Welfare Part-3
  5. Animal Welfare Part-4
  6. Animal Welfare Part-5
  7. Animal Welfare Part-6
  8. CPCSEA, Objectives and Functions
  9. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  1. Feeding of Poultry
  2. Health Management of Commercial Poultry
  3. Structure and Composition of Eggs
  4. Bio security Measures to be Adopted at Poultry Farms
  5. Mycotoxicosis in Poultry Converted
  • UNIT-V 
  1. Hatchery Management
  2. Hygienic Measures Adopted at Poultry Farm
  3. Management of Commercial Poultry
  4. Poultry Farming Methods
  1. Care and Management of Cats
  2. Care and Management of Dogs
  3. Laboratory Animals Production
  4. Rabbit Production
  5. Classification of breeds and breeding of Dogs
  1. Breeds of Equines
  2. Care and Management of Pigs (Part-1)
  3. Care and Management of Pigs (Part-2)
  4. Care and Management of pigs (Part-3)
  5. Management of Piglets
  6. Management of pig 
  7. Breeds of Hogs
  8. General Information of Horse and its Management
  9. Revision Class Of  Pig Management
  10. General Information of Horse and its Management
  11. Yak and Mithun, its Adaptation at High Altitude and Management
  • VPP-322 (FISH)
  1. Freshwater Fisheries
  2. Fish Breeding and Spawn Management
  3. Fish Pond Management
  4. Physico-Chemical Quality of Water Of Fish Pond
  • Department of Livestock Products Technology
  1. LPT- Introductory Class
  2. Milk and Milk Products Technology
  3. Composition of Milk Part-1
  4. Composition of Milk   Part-2
  5. Properties of Milk Part-1
  6. Properties of Milk Part-2
  7. Processing of Milk Part-1
  8. Processing of Milk Part-2
  9. Processing of Milk Part-3
  10. Milk Products Part-1
  11. Milk Products Part-2
  12. Milk Products Part-3
  13. Cheese
  14. Milk Products Part-6
  15. Milk Products Part-7
  16. Milk Products Part-8
  17. Milk Products Part-9
  18. Milk by Products Part-1
  19. Milk by Products Part-2
  20. Transport and Packaging of Milk and Milk Products
  21. GMP and HACCP
  22. Thermology Used in Animal Husbandry
  1. Wool Part-1
  2. Wool Part-2
  3. Wool Glossary
  4. Wool Technology Glossary
  5. Wool Grading System
  6. Wool Science
  1. Abattoir by-products
  2. Rendering
  3. Bone Glue Gelatine
  4. Utilization of Skin and Hides
  5. Utilization of Visceral Organs, Offal’s and Fat by-Product From Abattoir
  6. Utilization of Skin and Hides
  7. Skin and Hides
  8. Pharmaceutical Uses of Abattoir By-Products
  9. Disposal of Carcasses
  10. Evaluation, Grading and Fabrication of Dressed Carcasses Including Poultry
  11. Abattoir Effluent Treatment
  1. Conversion of muscle to meat and rigor mortis
  2. Fraudulent substitution of Meat
  3. Prospects of Meat Industry in India
  4. Structure of Muscle
  5. Composition of Muscle- I
  6. Ageing of Meat
  7. Preservation of Meat and Poultry
  8. Nutritive Value of Meat
  9. Processing of Meat and Meat Products
  10. Composition of Muscle
  11. Formation and Structure of Egg
  12. Grading of Eggs
  13. Egg Products
  14. Egg Preservation, Packaging and Storage
  15. Factors affecting Egg Quality & Physico-chemical properties of Egg
  1. Part 1: Meat Science (JRF)
  2. Part 2: Meat Science (JRF)
  3. Part 3: Meat Science (JRF)
  4. Part 4Meat Science (JRF)
  1. Ageing And Meat Packaging( Meat Science)
  2. Quality Evaluation of Meat Products
  3. Value Added Meat Products
  4. Structure and Composition of egg
  5. Composition And Nutritive Value Of Egg
  6. Preservation of eggs
  7. Meat Products Processing
  8. Packaging of Egg and Egg Products
  9. Organic and GMO Meat
  • Department of Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
  1. Lecture-1 : Introduction to the Discipline
  2. Lecture-2 : Overview & Syllabus
  3. Lecture-3 : History of Pharmacology-I
  4. Lecture-4 : History of Pharmacology-II
  5. Lecture-5 : Branches & Scope of Pharmacology
  6. Lecture-6 : Important Terms Drug Nomenclature Dru
  7. Lecture-7 : Sources of Drugs
  8. Lecture-8 : Active Principles of Medicinal Pants
  9. Lecture-9 : Routes of Drug Administration
  10. Lecture-10 : Pharmacokinetics – Pharmacokinetic Processes & Nature of Biological Membranes
  11. Lecture-11 : Pharmacokinetics: Absorption (Drug Transport across Biological Membranes)
  12. Lecture-12 : Pharmacokinetics: Absorption (pH Partition hypothesis & other aspects of drug absorption)
  13. Lecture 13 : Pharmacokinetics (Distribution of Drugs), Part-1
  14. Lecture 14 : Pharmacokinetics (Distribution of Drugs), Part-2
  15. Lecture 15 : Pharmacokinetics (Biotransformation of Drugs)
  16. Lecture-16 : Pharmacokinetics: Excretion of Drugs
  17. Lecture-17 : Pharmacokinetics: Kinetics of Drug Elimination
  18. Lecture-18 : Pharmacokinetics: Kinetics of Drug Elimination (Part-2)
  19. Lecture-19 : Pharmacodynamics:(Principles & Basic Mechanisms of Drug Action)
  20. Lecture-20 : Pharmacodynamics: (Protein Targets for Drug Binding)
  21. Lecture-21 : Pharmacodynamics:(Drug Receptor Interactions, Part-1)
  22. Lecture-22 : Pharmacodynamics: (Drug Receptor Interactions, Part 2)
  23. Lecture-23 : Pharmacodynamics:(Combined Effect of Drugs & Factors affecting action of Drugs)
  1. Lecture1 :ANS Pharmacology: General Considerations Part-I
  2. Lecture 2 :ANS Pharmacology: General Considerations Part-II
  3. Lecture 3 :Neurohumoral Transmission Part-I
  4. Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System
  5. Neurohumoral Transmission
  6. Cholinergic Neurotransmission
  7. Cholinergic Drugs
  8. Anticholinergic Drugs
  9. Adrenergic Neurotransmission
  10. Adrenergic Drugs
  11. Antiadrenergic Drugs
  12. Drugs acting on Autonomic Ganglia
  13. Autacoids
  14. Neurotransmission Part-II
  15. Adrenergic Transmission
  16. Cholinergic transmission(Part-I)
  17. Cholinergic transmission(Part-II)
  1. Classification of drugs acting on CNS.
  2. History of Anaesthesia
  3. Mechanism of Anaesthesia
  4. Stages of General anaesthesia
  5. Introduction to General Anaesthetics
  6. Inhalant Anaesthetics
  7. Intravenous Anaesthetics (Barbiturates & Non-barbiturates)
  8. Intravenous Anaesthetics (Dissociative & other Anaesthetics)
  9. Hypnotics and sedatives
  10. Psychotropic drugs
  11. Anticonvulsants
  12. Opioid analgesics
  13. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  14. Analeptics and other CNS stimulants
  15. Drugs acting on somatic nervous system: Local anaesthetics, muscle relaxants
  16. Euthanizing agents
  17. Transmission in CNS
  1. Drugs Acting on Digestive System
  2. Drugs Acting on Cardiovascular System
  3. Drugs Acting on Respiratory System
  4. Drugs Acting on Urogenital System
  5. Drugs Acting on Skin and Mucous Membranes
  6. Bioenhancers, Immuno-Stimulants, Suppressants
  1. Introduction to Chemotherapy
  2. Problems that Arises with the use of Antibiotics
  3. Introduction to chemotherapy Problems that Arises with the Use of Antibiotics (Superinfection)
  4. Factors Determining Selection Of Antimicrobial Agent
  5. Beta lactam Antibiotics
  6. Penicillins (Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Uses, Administration and dosage of Penicillins) And beta lactamase inhibitors
  7. Cephalosporins
  8. Sulfonamide
  9. Cephalosporins  (Pharmacokinetics and clinical uses)
  10. Fluroquinolones
  11. Macrolid Antibiotics
  12. Antitubercular and other Miscellaneous Drugs
  13. Chloramphenicol
  14. Tetracyclines
  15. Aminoglycosides
  16. Antifungal Agents Part-I
  17. Antifungal Agents Part-II
  18. Antifungal Agents Part-III
  19. Antiviral Agents Part-V
  1. Lecture-1: Veterinary Toxicology (Overview & Syllabus)
  2. Lecture-2: Introduction,Terms & Definitions related to Toxicology
  3. Lecture-3: Branches & Scope of Toxicology
  4. Heavy Metal Toxicity (Arsenic)
  5. Plant Toxicology
  6. Heavy Metal Toxicity (Lead)
  7. Heavy Metal Toxicity(Mercury)
  8. Organochlorine  Insecticides
  9. Organophosphate Insecticides
  10. Carbamate Insecticides
  11. Pyrethroids Insecticides
  12. Herbicides
  13. Rodenticides
  14. Fungicides & Fumigants
  15. Copper Toxicity
  16. Molybdenum Toxicity
  17. Selenium Toxicity
  18. Adrenergic Transmission(Part-I)
  1. General Metal Toxicology
  2. Organochlorine  Insecticides
  3. Organophosphate Insecticides
  4. Carbamate Insecticides
  5. Pyrethroid Insecticides
  6. Herbicides
  7. Rodenticides
  8. Fungicides & Fumigants
  1. Lecture-1 : Overview of the Syllabus of Chemotherapy
  2. Lecture-2 : General Chemotherapy Part-I
  3. Lecture-3 : General Chemotherapy Part-II
  4. Lecture-4 : General Chemotherapy Part-III
  5. Lecture-5 : General Chemotherapy Part-IV
  6. Lecture-6 : General Chemotherapy Part-V
  7. Lecture-7 : General Chemotherapy Part-VI
  8. Lecture-8 : Sulphonamides  Part 1
  9. Lecture-9 : Sulphonamides Part 2
  10. Lecture-10 : Penicillines Part 1
  11. Lecture-11 : Penicillines Part 2
  12. Lecture-12 : Cephalosporins
  13. Lecture-13 : Aminoglycosides
  14. Lecture-14 : Tetracyclines
  15. Lecture-15 : Chloramphenicol
  16. Lecture-16 : Macrolide antibiotics
  17. Lecture-17 : Fluoroquinolones
  18. Lecture-18 : Miscellaneous Antibacterial Agents
  19. Lecture-19 : Antihelminthic (General)
  20. Lecture-20 : Antinematodal drugs (Part 1)
  21. Lecture-21 : Antinematodal drugs (Part 2)
  22. Lecture-22 : Anticestodal drugs
  23. Lecture-23 : Antitrematodal drugs
  24. Lecture-24 : Antitubercular drugs
  • Department of Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology
  1. Food safety and Security
  2. National Food Safety Acts and Standards
  3. Types of biohazards
  4. Bio-safety and risk assessment
  5. Abattoir – Materials, Designs and Layout
  6. Ante Mortem Inspection
  7. Dressing of Food Animals
  8. Humane Slaughter
  9. Meat and Muscle
  10. Meat Hygiene
  11. Meat Speciation
  12. Methods of slaughter
  13. Transportation of Livestock
  14. Introduction of Food safety
  15. Brief Introduction of Course
  16. One Health Concept and Initiatives
  17. Aims and Scope of Veterinary Public Health & Role of Veterinarians in Public Health
  18. Food Animals
  19. Milk and their Sources of Contamination
  20. Pathological Conditions Associated with The Transportation of Food Animals
  21. Transportation of Food Animals
  22. Types and Components Of Abattoir
  23. Methods of slaughter
  24. Humane Slaughter
  25. Scope and Importance of Environment & Environmental Hygiene
  26. Preservation of Milk  Upload Under Section
  27. Methods of Animal Slaughter Humane Slaughter
  28. Ante Mortem Inspection
  29. Dressing of Carcasses
  30. Post Mortem Examination of Food Animals
  31. Milk hygiene practices in India and other countries
  32. Clean Milk Production
  33. Post Mortem examination of Food Animals
  34. Rigor Mortis in Carcase
  35. Purification of Water
  36. Biohazards
  37. Alkaline Phosphatase Test
  38. Meat Speciation
  39. Lymph Nodes Examination of Food Animals
  40. Plant/abattoir sanitation
  41. Sources  of Contamination of Meat and Carcasses De-Contamination
  1. Lecture on Factors Influencing Occurrence of Disease in Animals
  2. Transmission and Maintenance of Disease
  3. Measurement of Disease
  4. Ecology of Diseases-II
  5. Epidemiological survey & Surveillance
  6. Prevention and control of zoonoses
  7. Introduction and objectives of Epidemiology
  1. Amebiasis
  2. Anthrax
  3. Listeriosis
  4. Leishmaniasis
  5. Paragonimiasis
  6. Superficial and Systemic mycoses
  7. Systemic mycoses
  8. Subcutaneous mycoses
  9. Prions Diseases
  10. Prevention and control of zoonoses
  1. Bio-diversity uses, threats and conservation
  2. Brief Introduction of Course
  3. Scope and Importance of Environment & Environmental Hygiene
  4. Hardness of Water
  5. Sources and quality of water
  6. Pollution of Water
  7. Sewage Purification and Disposal
  8. Purification of Water
  9. Noise Pollution
  10. Radiation Pollution
  11. Disposal of carcasses
  12. Animal houses and sanitation
  13. Ventilation in animal houses
  14. Air Pollution
  1. Bio-diversity uses, threats and conservation
  2. Brief Introduction of Course
  3. Scope and Importance of Environment & Environmental Hygiene
  4. Hardness of Water
  5. Sources and quality of water
  6. Pollution of Water
  7. Sewage Purification and Disposal
  8. Purification of Water
  9. Noise Pollution
  10. Radiation Pollution
  11. Disposal of carcasses
  12. Animal houses and sanitation
  13. Ventilation in animal houses
  14. Air Pollution
  • VPE-511
  1. Environment and Environmental Hygiene
  2. Scope and Importance of Environment & Environmental Hygiene
  3. Bio-Diversity Uses, Threats and Conservation
  4. Sources and Characteristics of Water
  • Department of Veterinary Biochemistry
  1. Structure and functions of prostaglandins
  2. Transport across Membranes
  3. Properties of Charbohydrate
  4. Donnan Membrane Equilibrium
  5. Structure of Biological Membranes
  6. Carbohydrates Structure And Classification
  7. Scope and Importance of Biochemistry
  8. Biochemistry of Fatty acids and triglycerides
  9. Biochemistry of Steroids and bile acid
  10. Biochemistry of Protein
  11. Biochemistry of Lipid
  12. Carbohydrate Classification
  13. Properties Of Amino Acids
  14. Structure of Protein
  15. Structure of Protein-II
  16. Properties of Proteins
  17. Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids
  1. Cholesterol Metabolism
  2. Ketone Bodies Metabolism
  3. Lipid Metabolism
  4. Lipid Biosynthesis
  5. Lipoprotein Metabolism
  6. Protein Metabolism-1
  7. Protein metabolism- 2
  8. Metabolism
  9. Protein Metabolism- Protein Synthesis
  10. Nucleotide Metabolism
  11. Dna Replication
  12. Pentose phosphate pathway (hexose monophosphate shunt)
  13. Carbohydrate Metabolism
  14. Bioenergetics
  15. Gluconeogenesis and Glycogen Metabolism
  16. Citric Acid cycle or Tricarboxylic Acid cycle or Krebs Cycle
  17. Allosteric Regulation
  18. Mechanism of enzyme action and enzyme unit
  19. Factor Affecting Enzyme Action
  20. Enzyme Units
  21. Enzyme classification and properties
  22. Renal Function Tests
  1. Diabetes Mellitus
  2. Ketosis
  3. Bovine Ketosis & Pregency Toxemia
  4. Hypoglycemia in Neonatal Piglets
  5. Liver Function Tests
  6. Fluid and Electrolyte balance
  7. Biochemical basis of Fluid Therapy
  8. Biochemistry of oxidative stress
  9. Biochemistry of digestive disorders
  10. Biochemistry of Shock

  11. Introduction to Biotechnology
  12. Genomic DNA & cDNA Libraries
  13. Embryo Transfer in Cattle
  14. Cloning and expression vector
  15. Polymerase Chain Reaction
  16. Monoclonal antibodies
  17. In-vitro fertilization
  18. Gene Cloning
  19. Blotting Techniques
  20. DNA Probes and DNA Fingerprinting
  21. DNA Sequencing
  22. Animal Cloning: Transgenic Animal
  23. Biopharming
  24. Animal Cell Culture
  25. Intellectual Property Rights
  • VLD-411
  1. Collection and labeling of body fluid samples
  2. Clinical Significance and Interpretation of Blood Urea Nitrogen
  • Department of Veterinary Microbiology
  1. Mycoplasma
  2. Chlamydia & Chlamydophila
  3. Reproduction of Fungi
  4. General Properties of Fungi
  5. Cryptococcus
  6. Spirochaetes
  7. Brucella
  8. Actinobacillus
  9. Campylobacter
  10. Salmonella
  11. Escherichia coli-I
  12. Haemophilus
  13. Gram Negative Non-Spore Forming Anaerobe
  14. General Introduction of Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Diseases
  15. History of Microbiology
  16. Reproduction of Fungi
  17. Microscopy and Micrometry
  18. Methods of Sterilization and Disinfection
  19. Normal, Opportunistic and Saprophytic Bacterial Flora\
  20. Pathogenicity, Virulence, Bacteraemia, Septicaemia and Toxaemia
  21. Orientation to Bacteriology Laboratory
  22. Structure and morphology of Bacteria
  23. Methods of Sterilization and Disinfection- Part II (PRACTICAL)
  24. Bacterial Genetics
  25. Plasmids and Antibiotic resistance
  26. Virulence
  27. Preparation of Media for Cultivation of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria
  28. Genus –Streptococcus
  29. Methods of Inoculation Cultivation of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria
  30. Corynebacterium Trueperella Rhodococcus
  31. Listeria & Erysipelothrix
  32. Isolation of bacteria in pure culture
  33. Genus Clostridium
  34. Anaerobic Bacteria Culture(Practical)
  35. Bacilli
  36. Clostridium perfringens (Cl.welchii)
  37. Mycobacterium
  38. Yersinia, Proteus
  39. Salmonella
  40. Pasteurella and Mannheimia
  • UNIT-II 
  1. Candida species
  2. Malassezia
  3. Dermatophytes
  1. Southern blotting and Western blotting
  2. What is Bioinformatics
  3. Gene cloning
  4. DNA sequencing and Fingerprints
  5. Transformation
  1. Parvoviridae
  2. Adenoviridae
  3. Asfarviridae
  4. Circoviridae and Chicken Anaemia Virus
  5. Poxviridae
  6. Poxviridae-1
  7. Herpesviridae
  8. Duck Plague Virus
  9. Malignant Catarrhal
  10. Prions
  11. Pseudorabies
  12. Avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus
  13. Gallid Herpesvirus 2 (Marek’s Disease Virus)
  14. Paramyxoviridae
  15. Newcastle disease virus
  16. PPR Virus
  17. Canine Distemper Virus
  • VMC-321 9OLD COURSE)
  1. Asfarviridae
  2. Herpesviridae
  3. Bovine Herpesvirus 1
  4. Parvoviridae
  5. Circoviridae
  6. Peste Des Petits Ruminant
  7. Canine Distemper Virus
  8. Rinderpest virus
  9. Coronaviridae
  10. Picornaviridae
  11. Flaviviridae
  12. Rhabdoviridae
  13. Togaviridae
  14. Birnaviridae
  15. Malignant catarrhal fever virus
  16. Pseudorabies virus
  17. Marek’s Disease 
  18. Orthopoxvirus
  19. Poxviridae
  20. Capripoxvirus
  21. Avipox virus
  22. Retroviridae
  23. Prions
  24. Bluetongue virus
  25. African Horse Sickness Virus
  • Department of Veterinary Parasitology
  1. Types of Parasites
  2. Introduction of Veterinary Parasitology & Historical Landmark
  3. Types of Hosts and Vectors
  4. Animal Association
  6. Mode of Transmission of Parasites
  7. Methods of Dissemination of Parasites
  8. Premunity….. and Harmful Immune Response
  9. Immunity against Parasitic Infections/Infestations
  10. Tissue Reactions Caused bParasites
  11. General Harmful Effects of Parasites
  12. General Control Measures of Parasitic Infections -I
  13. General Control Measures of Parasitic Infections-II
  14. Salient Characters of Phylum : Platyhelminthes
  15. Salient Characters of Phylum: Acanthocephala
  16. Salient Characters of Phylum: Nemathelminthes
  17. Immune Evasion by Parasites
  18. Salient Characters of Phylum: Arthropoda
  19. Salient Characters of Protozoa
  20. Faecal Examination Techniques-I (Practical)
  21. Faecal Examination Techniques –II (Practical)
  22. Specific Tissues lesions Caused by the Parasites ( Practical)
  23. Blood Smear Preparation: Wet, Thin and Thick Smears (Practical)
  24. Staining of Blood Smears for Demonstration of Microfilariae and Haemoprotozoan Parasites (Practical)
  25. Demonstration of the Types of Final and Intermediate Hosts (Practical)
  26. Genus : Taenia
  1. General Cestodes
  2. Equine Tapeworms
  3. Ruminants Tapeworms
  4. Dog Tapeworms-I
  5. Dog Tapeworms-II
  6. Poultry Tapeworms
  7. Broad Fish Tapeworms Spirometra
  8. Genus: Fasciola
  9. Trematodes
  10. Genus : Schistosoma
  11. Genus :Fasciolopsis
  12. Genus : Cotylophoron
  13. Genus : Paramphistomum
  14. Genus : Prosthogonimus
  15. Genus : Paragonimus
  16. Genus : Opisthorchis
  17. Genus – Dicrocoelium
  18. Genus-Echinococcus
  19. Genus-Taenia
  20. Genus : Anoplocephala
  21. Genus : Moniezia
  22. Genus : Stilesia
  23. Genus : Echinococcus
  • UNIT-III  
  1. Genus : Bunostomum
  2. Genus : Mullerius
  3. Genus : Ancylostoma
  4. Family:  Oxyuridae Pin worms
  5. Heterakis Gallinarum (Poultry Ascarid worm)
  6. Ascaridia galli (Poultry Ascarid worm)
  7. Toxocara vitulorum Family: Ascarididae
  8. Ascaris suum Family: Ascarididae
  9. Parascaris equorum Family: Ascarididae
  10. Toxocara canis Family: Ascarididae
  11. Toxocara cati Family: Ascarididae
  12. Dioctophyma Renale
  13. Stephanurus Dentatus
  14. Genus : Spirocerca
  15. Genus : Thelazia
  16. Genus : Protostrongylus
  17. Trichinella
  18. Trichuris
  19. Anthelmintic Resistance
  20. Capillaria
  21. Dracunculus
  22. Macrocanthorhynchus
  23. Genus : Habronema
  24. Genus : Mecistocirrus
  25. Genus : Oesophagostomum
  26. Genus : Gongylonema
  27. Genus : Strongyloides
  28. Genus- Physaloptera
  29. Genus : Syngamus
  30. Stephanofilaria
  31. Onchocerca
  32. Parafilaria
  33. Setaria
  34. Genus : Phlebotomus
  35. Genus : Simulium
  36. Genus : Anopheline & Culicine
  1. Entomology
  2. Tabanus
  3. General life cycle & Developmental stage
  4. Introduction, General account, Classification & Morphology
  5. Culicoides
  6. Hippobosca
  7. Acarology
  8. Genus- Ixodes
  9. Genus- Rhipicepahalus
  10. Genus : Hyalomma
  11. Genus Amblyomma
  12. Genus Boophilus
  13. Genus Dermacenter
  14. Genus Haemaphysalis
  15. Genus Argas
  16. Genus Otobius
  17. Genus Ornithodorus.
  18. FLEAS
  19. LICE
  20. Class: Arachnida
  21. Genus :Musca
  22. Genus : Oestrids
  23. Genus : Tabanus
  24. Genus : Hippobosca
  25. Genus :Calliphorids
  26. Genus: Anopheline & Culicine
  27. Genus: Phlebotomus
  28. Genus: Simulium
  1. General Characters of Protozoa
  2. Trypanosomes
  3. Leishmania
  4. Theileria
  5. Babesia
  6. Toxoplasma gondii
  7. Eimeria
  8. Sarcocystis
  9. Haemoproteus
  10. Entamoeba
  11. Ehrlichia
  12. Cryptosporidium
  13. Balantidium coli
  14. Anaplasma
  15. Trichomonads
  16. Neospora caninum
  17. Plasmodium
  18. Leucocytozoon
  19. Histomonas
  20. Hexamita and Giardia
  21. Hepatozoon
  • Department of Veterinary Pathology
  1. Shock
  2. Chemical Mediators of Inflammation
  3. Thrombosis
  4. Apoptosis
  5. Fatty Change/Hepatic Lipidosis
  6. Photosensitization
  7. Amyloidosis
  8. Wound Healing
  9. Necrosis & It`s Classification
  10. Immune Evasion by Parasites
  11. Hemodynamic Disorder
  12. Apoptosis
  13. Gangrene
  14. Amylodosis
  15. Hemodynamic Disorder (Oedema)
  16. Fatty Change (steatosis)
  17. Cell Injury Part – I
  18. Cell Injury
  19. Disturbances of Pigment Metabolism
  20. Inflammation Definition, Cause & Types
  21. Cell Injury
  22. Vascular Events of Acute Inflammation
  23. Cellular Events In Inflammation
  24. Disturbances in Growth
  25. Pathology of Digestive System-1
  26. Pathology of Urinary System
  1. Affections of Eye and Ear
  2. Patho-physiology of Endocrine Glands-1
  3. Patho-physiology of Endocrine Glands – 2
  4. Pathological Changes Affecting to Musculoskeletal System Part-1
  5. Pathological Changes Affecting to Musculoskeletal System Part-2
  6. Neoplasm
  1. Biopsy and Cytopathology
  2. Veterinary Clinical Haematology
  3. Equine Viral Diseases
  4. Classical Swine Fever
  5. Eqiune Infectious Anaemia
  6. Pox
  7. Immunopathology
  8. Diagnostic cytopathology
  9. Post Mortem Examination (Birds)-1
  10. Tumour Immunity
  11. Tumours of Different Tissue
  1. Mycotoxicosis in Poultry
  2. Avian Salmonellosis
  3. Aspergillosis in Poultry
  4. Ranikhet Disease in Poultry
  5. Coccidiosis in Poultry
  6. Infectious Bursal Disease
  7. Protozoan Disease in Poultry
  8. Avian Infectious Bronchitis
  9. Chicken Infectious Anemia
  10. Fowl Pox
  11. Fowl Cholera
  12. Colibacillosis
  13. Necrotic Enteritis
  1. Antrax
  2. Brucellosis
  3. Campylobacteriosis
  4. Clostridial Group of Diseases
  5. Colibacilosis
  6. Foot and mouth Diseases
  7. Glanders
  8. Haemorrhagic Septicemia
  9. Hog Cholera
  10. Paratuberculosis
  11. Rabies
  12. Rinderpest
  13. Strangles
  14. Eqiune Infectious Anaemia
  15. Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP)
  16. Prion Diseases
  17. Vesicular Disease
  18. Rickettsial Diseases
  19. Piroplasmosis
  20. Gross and Microscopic Pathology of Flukes
  21. Lactation
  22. Mammogenesis
  23. Galactopoiesis
  24. Gross and Microscopic Pathology of Flukes
  25. Pathological Calcification
  26. Gross And Microscopic Pathology Of Cestodes
  27. Gross & Microscopic Pathology of Nematodes in Domestic Animals
  28. Actinomycosis
  29. Synoactinobacillosisnym : Wooden Tongue
  30. Avian Reoviral Diseases, Egg Drop Syndrome-76 & Avian  Viral  Nephritis
  31. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
  1. Important Bacterial Diseases of Fish
  2. Viral Diseases Of Fish (VHS, SVC & IHN)
Department of Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics
  1. Ovary : its functions and follicular dynamics
  2. Animal Birth Control in Canine (Non- Surgical Interventions)
  3. Animal Birth Control 
  4. Ovulation
  5. Folliculogenesis and Follicular Dynamics
  6. Clinical Anatomy of Female Reproductive System
  7. Puberty and Breeding Patterns in Animals
  8. Estrous Cycle and Its Stages
  9. Transportation and Survivability of Gametes in Female Reproductive Tract
  10. Estrous Cycle in Canine and Feline
  11. Estrous Cycle in Ovine Caprine and Swine, Anestrus and its Treatment
  12. Estrous Cycle in Equine and Camels, Anestrus and its Treatment
  13. Forms of Male Infertility
  14. Testicular Hypoplasia and Testicular Degeneration
  15. Principal, Procedure and application of Ultrasonography in Farm and Pet Animal Reproduction
  16. Misalliance and its Treatment -Medical Termination of Pregancy
  17. Ovulation Failure and its Treatment
  18. Synchonization of Estrus and Ovulation
  19. Hereditary and Congenital Anomalies of Female Reproductive Tract
  20. Infertility in cows – I (Cystic ovarian disease)
  21. Population Control in Bitches
  22. Diagnostic Procedure in Infertility Investigation
  23. Storage and Shipment of Semen
  24. Hereditary and Congenital Anomalies of Female Reproductive Tract
  25. Factors Affecting the Length of Estrus Cycle
  1. Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy
  2. Implantation and Placentation
  3. Teratology
  4. Uterine Torsion
  5. Obstetrical Operation
  6. Retention of Placenta
  7. Fetotomy
  8. Technique of Vaginopexy Operation in Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse in Cows
  9. Cesarean Section in Bovines
  10. Applied Endocrinology of Pregnancy
  11. Fetal Mummification
  12. Care and management of pregnant animals
  13. Cesarean Section
  14. Fetal Maceration
  15. Management of Prolapse in Bovine
  16. Clinical Management of Infectious and Non-infectious Abortion
  17. Uterine Prolapse
  18. Dropsy of Fetal Membranes
  19. Postpartum Care of Dam and Newborn
  20. Pregnancy Diagnosis
  21. Parturient Care of Dam And Newborn – Ii (Mare, Sheep, Goat, Sow, Bitch, Cat)
  22. Maternal obstetrical paralysis and Injuries incidental to parturition
  23. Postpartum Diseases and Complications Part 1
  24. Postpartum Diseases and Complications Part-2
  25. Postpartum Diseases and Complications Part-3
  26. Postpartum Diseases and Complications Part-4
  27. Parturition
  28. Stages of Parturition
  29. Postpartum uterine infection(Puerperal Metritis)
  30. Diseases and Complications of Pregnancy Part-1 (Hydroallantois and Hydroamnion)
  31. Pre-Term Induction of Parturition
  32. Management of Dystocia in Canines
  33. Dystocia in Dog and Cats
  34. Cesareans Section in Dog and Cat
  35. Pelvimetry
  36. Induction of Parturition
  1. Factors affecting libido of Breeding Bulls
  2. Unit of Radiation Measurement & Hazards
  3. Ultrastructure of Spermatozoa
  4.  Sexual Behavior
  5. Semen Extension
  6. Semen Evaluation
  7. Methods of Semen Collection
  8. Artificial Insemination
  9. Impotentia Generandi
  1. Introduction of Artificial Insemination
  2. Introduction to Andrology Development of male genitalia and gonads
  • VGO 411
  1. Anestrus
  2. Pregnancy Diagnosis in Bovine
  • Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
  • UNIT-I
  1. Radiology – 2
  2. Wound
  3. Wound Part and Burn And Scald
  4. General Surgery-I
  5. Suture Material and Suturing Techniques –II
  6. Suture Material and Suturing Techniques –III
  7. Suture Material and Suturing Techniques –IV
  8. Suture Material and Suturing Techniques -V
  9. Suture Material and Suturing Techniques -VI
  1. Anaesthesiology Anticholinergic and Tranquilizing Agent
  2. Phenothiazine Derivatives
  1. Production of X-Rays
  2. Radiology-4
  3. Contrast Radiography
  1. Ear
  2. Affections of Teeth and their  Treatment
  3. Affections of Salivary Gland and Their  Treatment
  4. Surgical Affection of Oesophagus
  5. Surgical Affections of Trachea
  6. Affections of Horn and their Treatment
  7. Affections of Jaw and their Treatment
  8. Affections of Nose And Treatment
  9. General Surgery
  10. Radiology-1
  1. Abdomen
  2. Urinary System
  3. Urolithiasis
  4. Teat and Udder Surgery
  5. Thoracic and Abdomen
  6. Affections of the Lips and Cheek and Their Treatment
  7. Affection of Tongue and their Treatment
  8. Caecal Dilation and Torsion
  9. Surgical Affection of Rectum and Vagina
  10. Castration in Animals
  11. Ovariohysterectomy in Dogs
  12. Gastric Dilatation In Canines
  13. Surgical Affections of Female Genital System
  14. Anal Sac Disease
  15. Canine Mammary Neoplasm
  16. Intestinal obstruction
  17. Surgical Affections of Male Reproductive System-I
  18. Intussusception And Vulvulus
  19. Surgical Affections of Male Reproductive System-II
  20. Surgical Affection of Tail and Docking
  21. Ectopic Ureter
  22. Surgical Site in Animal
  23. Wild Animal Surgery
  24. Thoracotomy
  25. Abomasal Displacement
  1. Surgical Management of Upward Fixation of Patella (UFP)/Stringhalt in Large Animals
  2. Classification of Fracture in Animals
  3. Solar Ulceration
  4. Punctured Sole
  5. Lameness Part – III
  6. Equine Foot Affections- I
  7. White line Separation and Abscessation and Laminitis
  8. Navicular Disease, Side Bones and Quittor
  9. Sand Crack
  10. Lameness Part -V
  11. Fracture – I
  12. Fracture – II
  13. Fracture – III
  14. Techniques of Fracture   Reduction
  15. Techniques of External Fracture Fixation-I
  16. Techniques of External Fracture Fixation-II
  17. Internal Immobilization of Fracture-I
  18. Internal Immobilization of Fracture-II
  19. Dislocations – I
  20. Lameness Part -VII
  • VSR-511
  1. Lameness
  2. Cording UP
  • VSR-411
  1. Introduction and Basics of Anaesthesia
  2. Pre-anaesthetic Consideration
  3. Anaesthesiology Pre-anaesthetic  Agent and Their Classification
  • Department of Veterinary Medicine
  1. Anaemia
  2. Common Clinical Poisoning 
  3.  Oedema
  4. Bordetella
  5. Estimate & pattern of diseases
  6. History, Scope & Concept of Animal Diseases
  7. Clinical Examination
  8. Practical No. 3 : History Taking
  9. Fever
  10. Pain
  11. Septicemia/Viremia
  12. Normal, Opportunistic and Saprophytic Bacterial Flora
  13. Diseases of Respiratory System (Kennel cough/Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis (ITB) )
  14. Fluid therapy in animals
  15. Diseases of Respiratory System (Pneumonia)
  16. Animal Welfare (Acts And Rules Of Animal Welfare)
  17. Classical_swine_Fever
  18. Gastric and Peritoneal Lavage
  19. Oxygen Therapy in Veterinary Practice
  20. Simple Indigestion
  21. Acidosis
  22. Vagus Indigestion
  23. Streptomyces and Dermatophilus
  1. Conjunctivitis 
  2. Indication and Physical Examination of Cardiac Diseases
  3. Electrocardiography Part-1
  4. Electrocardiography Part-2
  5. Heart Failure
  6. Liver Disorders I
  7. Liver Disorder-II (Jaundice)
  8. Acute Heart Failure & Cardiac diseases
  9. Blood Transfusion in Cattle and Dog
  10. Hepatitis
  11. Downer Cow Syndrome(DCS)
  12. Diseases of the Eye-1
  13. Diseases of Pancreas (Pancreatitis)
  14. Examination of Urinary System
  15. Critical Care and Emergency Medicine
  16. Diseases of Nervous system-II (Neurological Examination )
  17. Diseases of Urinary System  Part-1
  18. Diseases of Respiratory System (Rhinitis)
  19. Diseases of Respiratory System (Epistaxis, Nasal Obstruction & Tracheal Collapse )
  20. Practical No.3 :  Special examination of Respiratory system
  21. Principles of Zoo Hygiene
  22. Diseases of Respiratory System (Laryngitis)
  23. Diseases of Digestive system
  24. Diseases of Respiratory System (Pneumonia)
  25. Abomasitis
  26. Diseases of Urinary System  Part-2
  27. Collection and Examination of Peritoneal Fluid
  28. Diseases of Respiratory System (Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
  29. Diseases of Respiratory System (Pneumonia)
  30. Examination of Eye and Ear
  31. Diseases of Respiratory System (Bronchitis )
  32. Alkalosis
  33. Abomasal Displacement
  34. Diseases of Respiratory System (Pneumonia)
  35. Diseases of Respiratory System(Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD))
  36. Diseases of Musculoskeletal System (Arthritis)
  37. Diseases of Musculoskeletal System (Rickets)
  38. Death from Drowning, Lightning and Electrocution
  1. Zinc deficiency
  2. Vitamins
  3. Deficiency Disorders
  4. Managanese Deficiency
  5. Calf Scour
  6. Calf Pneumonia
  7. Tick Fever in Neonates
  8. Milk Fever
  9. Vit. E and Se Deficiency
  10. Azoturia
  11. Fat Cow Syndrome
  12. Hypomagnesaemic Tetany (Lactation Tetany, Grass Staggers, Grass Tetany)
  13. Hypothyroidism
  14. Eclampsia
  15. Iodine Deficiency
  16. Ketosis
  17. Post Parturient Haemoglobinuria (PPH) 
  18. Cushings Syndrome / Disease
  19. Iron,Cobalt and Copper deficiency
  20. Diabetese Mellitus (Hypoinsulinism)
  21. Canine Hypoadrenocorticism(Addison Disease)
  22. Gout
  23. Osteodystrophy Fibrosa 
  24. Vitamin a Deficiency (Hypovitaminosis-A)
  25. Vitamin K Deficiency
  26. Vitamin D Deficiency Part-I
  27. Vitamin D Deficiency Part-II
  28. Se- and VE-Responsive or Deficiency Diseases
  29. Neonatal Diseases
  • UNIT-IV 
  1. Public Health Problems Arising From Zoo
  2. Prevention, Control and  Treatment of Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals Part-I
  3. Foot and Mouth Disease
  4. Bacterial Diseases of Wild And Zoo Animals
  5. Principles of Zoo Hygiene
  6. Parasitic diseases to Zoo and Wild animal
  7. Viral diseases of wild and zoo animals
  8. National and International Organizations and Institutions Linked To Wild and Zoo Animals – Role and Functions
  9. Acts and Rules Related to Zoo and Wild Animals
  10. An Introduction to Zoo and Wild Animal
  1. Acinomycosis
  2. Anthrax
  3. Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia
  4. Glanders
  5. Hemorrhagic Septicaemia
  6. Strangles
  7. Ulcerative Lymphangitis
  8. Rabies
  9. Listeriosis
  10. Tetanus
  11. Botulism
  12. Enteropathogenic and enterotoxaemia producing clostrida
  13. Treatment and control of histotoxic clostridial diseases
  14. Leptospirosis
  15. Tuberculosis
  16. Mastitis
  17. Bordetellosis
  18. Fowl Typhoid
  19. Colibacilosis
  20. Brucellosis
  21. Ehrlichiosis
  22. Swine Erysipelas(Diamond Skin disease)
  23. Salmonellosis
  24. Avian Mycoplasmosis (Chronic Respiratory Disease, CRD)
  25. Fowl Cholera
  26. Spirochetosis
  1. Ascariasis
  2. Canine Distemper
  3. Canine Parvovirus Infections
  4. Hook Worm Diseases
  5. Haemonchosis of small Ruminants
  6. Oesophagostomosis
  7. Parasitic Gastroenteritis of Ruminants
  8. Rabies
  9. Blood Transfusion
  10. Strongylosis in Horses or Red worm disease
  11. Habronemiasis and Heart worm Disease
  12. Infectious Canine Hepatitis
  13. Newcastle Disease
  14. Parafilariosis,  Theilaziosis and Kumri
  15. Tape worm Diseases
  16. Shistosomosis
  17. Infectious Bursal Disease
  18. Amphistomiasis
  19. Schistosomiasis
  20. Theileriosis
  21. Rinderpest
  22. Malignant Catarrhal Fever
  23. BVD/Mucosal Disease
  24. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)
  25. Ephemeral fever/Three days sickness
  26. Equine Infectious Anemia
  27. Rabies
  1. Role of Veterinarians
  2. Animal Welfare(Wildlife Wardens)
  3. Animal Welfare (AWBI)
  4. Common Offences Against Animals in India
  5. Vetero-Legal Aspects of Wounds
  6. Animal Welfare (Acts And Rules Of Animal Welfare)
  7. Animal Welfare (Welfare Of Animals During Transportation)
  8. Animal Welfare(Welfare of Drought and Pack Animals)
  9. Animal Welfare (Wildlife Protection And Welfare)
  1. Stomatitis to Oesohageal Obstruction
  2. Diabetes in Dog
  3. Epilepsy In Canine
  1. Parafilariosis,  Theilaziasis and Kumri
  2. Management of Common Clinical Poisoning
  3. Diseases of Skin Part-1
  4. Diseases of skin Part -2
  5. Avian Influenza
  6. Babesiosis
  7. Blue Tongue
  8. Bovine Ephemeral Fever
  9. Common Anaesthetics and Anaesthesia in Dogs
  10. Duties of AWO
  • VMD-421
  1. Hemorrhagic Septicaemia
  2. Johneʼs Disease
  • VMD-511
  1. Animal welfare & Ethics
  2. Gastritis and Gastric Erosive-ulcerative Disease
  3. Animal Welfare(class-5) (AWBI 
  • VMD-513
  1. Nutrient Requirement and Feeding of Dogs
  2. Docking
  3. Ear Cropping
  4. Sterilization

  1. Anesthesiology
  2. Blood
  3. Cardiovascular System
  4. Physiology of cardiovascular System
  5. Neuromuscular system
  6. Physiology of Nervous System
  7. EYE (Vision)
  8. EYE (Vision)
  9. EYE III
  1. Digestive System
  2. Digestive Physiology
  3. Respiratory system
  4. Physiology of Respiratory System of Domestic Animals
  5. Digestive System-III
  6. Digestive System-IV
  1. Endocrinology
  2. Excretory System
  3. Thyroid Gland Part – I
  4. Thyroid Gland Part  – II
  5. Adrenal Glands
  6. Pancreas
  7. Placentation
  8. Parathyroid Hormone
  1. Growth Environmental Climatology
  2. Puberty and Breeding patterns in animals
  3. Work Physiology
  4. Growth
  5. Environmentalogy
  6. Animal Behaviour
  7. Climatology
  8. Adaptation of Animals to cold climate
  9. Adaptation of Animals to hot climate
  10. Adaptation Physiology 
  11. Stress Physiology
  12. Physiology of Thermoregulation 
  13. Physiology of Pregnancy
  14. Ovary : its functions and follicular dynamics
  15. Female Reproduction System
  16. Male Reproductive System
  17. Estrous Cycle in Farm Animals
  18. Ovulation
  19. Semen Dynamics
  20. Sperm Transport and Fertilization
  • Department of Veterinary Clinical complex
  • VCP-I
  1. Lecture-1:Routes & Techniques of Administration of Medicine in Animals
  2. Lecture-2:Routes & techniques of administration of medicine in animals
  3. Lecture-3:Recording of temperature, respiration and pulse in animals
  4. Lecture-4:Clinical Examination of GIT of Ruminants
  • VCP-II
  1. Traumatic Reticulo-peritonitis(Hardware Disease)
  2. Stomatitis
  3. Examination of cases of Metritis
  4. Diarrhoea
  5. Tuberculin Test
  6. Pregnancy Diagnosis in cattle
  7. Canine Parvoviral Infection
  8. Vaccination in Ruminants
  9. Catherisation and Urine Collection in Dogs
  10. Viral Diseases of Dogs & Cat
  • VCP-411
  1. Lecture-1: Routes & Techniques of Administration of Medicine in Animals
  2. Lecture-2 : Routes & Techniques of Administration of Medicine in Animals
  3. Handling and Restraing Of Dog
  4. Practice of Artificial Insemination
  5. Catheterization and Urine Collection in Dogs
  • VCP-511
  1. Treatment and Management of Wounds and Abscess
  2. Pregnancy Diagnosis in cattle
  3. Examination of cases of Metritis
  4. Handling and Management of Retention of Placenta
  5. Clinical Examination and Management of Cases of Anoestrus
  6. Treatment and Management of Fracture in Dogs
  • Department Of Livestock Farm Complex
  1. Routine Activities at Livestock Farm Complex
  1. Lecture on Feeding of Farm Animal
  2. Routine Activities at Livestock Farm Complex
  3. Feeding of Farm Animal
  4. Data  Recording
  5. Round The Year Fodder Production
  6. Selection of Livestock
  7. Poultry Breeding
  8. Fodder Production in Rabi Season
  9. Phenotypic and Genotypic effect of Inbreeding in Livestock
  10. General Health Management at Livestock Farm Complex
  • Department of Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics( Courtesy by Prof G N Purohit, Head)
  1. UNIT-I
  1. Lecture 1 Hormones Basics
  2. Lecture 2 Hormones of reproduction in domestic animals
  3. Lecture 3 Estrous cycle and estrus signs in domestic animals
  4. Lecture 4 Estrus detection dairy cows
  5. Lecture 5 Follicular dynamics in domestic animals
  6. Lecture 6 Estrus synchronization
  7. Lecture 7 Bovine Infertility
  8. Lecture 8 Anestrus in domestic animals
  9. Lecture 9 Ovarian cysts
  10. Lecture 10 Repeat Breeding
  11. Lecture 11 Bovine and Bubaline Infertility-Non-specific Genital affections
  12. Lecture 12 Bovine Infectious infertility
  13. Lecture 13 Pregnancy Diagnosis in Farm and Pet Animals
  14. Lecture 14 Equine infertility
  15. Lecture 15 Infertility in sheep and goats
  16. Lecture 16 Porcine Infertility-converted
  17. Lecture 17 Canine Infertility
  18. Lecture 18 Camelid Infertility
  19. Lecture 19 Reroduction and infertility in female buffaloes
  20. Lecture 20 Superovulation and embryo transfer in cattle
  21. Lecture 21 Immunomodulation for Fecundity enhancement
  22. Lecture 22 Effect of nutrition on bovine reproduction-converted
  23. Lecture 23 Herd Health Management and Fertility Parameters
  24. Anatomy of Female Reproductive Organs in Domestic Animals
  25. Functional Physiology of the Female Genital Organs of the Domestic Animals
  26. Bubaline Theriogenology
  27. Artificial insemination techniques in farm and pet animals
  28. Puberty in domestic animals


  1. Lecture 1 Pregnancy in Domestic Animals
  2. Lecture 2 Placenta Formation and Growth
  3. Lecture 3 Diseases and Accidents of Gestation
  4. Lecture 4 Congenital Fetal Defects (Teratology)
  5. Lecture 6 Peurperium in Domestic Animals
  6. Lecture 7 Causes of Dystocia in farm animals
  7. Lecture 8 Uterine Torsion in Domestic Animals
  8. Lecture 9 Obstetrical Operations
  9. Lecture 10 Cesarean in domestic farm and pet animals
  10. Lecture 11 Genital Surgeries in domestic animals
  11. Lecture 12 Postpartum complications in large domestic animals
  12. Lecture 13 Genital Prolapse in domestic animals
  13. Lecture 14 Postpartum complications in sheep and goats
  14. Lecture 15 Postpartum complications in the bitch
  15. Lecture 16 Animal Birth control
  16. Pictorial guide to Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  17. Repeat Breeding in Cattle and Buffalo: New Concepts in Diagnosis and Therapy
  18. Hysteroscopy in Large Domestic Animals
  19. Recent Approaches in Therapy of Infertility in Equines
  20. Ultrasonography in Animal Reproduction

Illustrative Pathology

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