Career options for Veterinary Graduates in India & abroad : Rational approach & decision making
Options after BVSc & AH:
- Multiple opportunities available Pursuing MVSc (vast range of subjects / disciplines)
- Masters in Agri-business management
- Opening private Pet and Large animal clinics
- JRF / Teaching personnel PG studies in foreign countries
- Job in Animal welfare organisations
- Working as Vet Officer in AH Department, various State Governments
- Working in Vet pharma and animal nutrition companies
- MVSc (vast range of subjects / disciplines): choosing the best MVSc offered in 18 subjects in India Best option : Choose the subject in which you have the most interest Admission in IVRI, NDRI and other State Agri. & Vet. Universities through ICAR JRF / PG Exam conducted annually (by National Testing Agency, Ministry of HRD, GOI)
- Students getting JRF have sufficient amount to cover living expenses Students not getting JRF, but secured admission in IVRI or NDRI get Institutional Scholarship Students getting admission in Pantnagar may get JRF / paid project work in 2nd year of Masters (depends on availability and competition)
- Specific scenarios: Looking for a career in ARS Subjects with maximum positions in ARS (Agricultural Research Service) scientists in various ICAR research institutes*
- A) Animal Genetics & Breeding
- B) Vet. Microbiology
- C) Animal Biotechnology / Biochemistry
- D) Vet. Gynaecology & Obstetrics
- E) Vet Pathology
- F) LPM
- G) Vet. / Animal Physiology
- H) Vet. Medicine
- N.B.: Opportunities for other subjects are also available in ARS. *- First author personal choices.
- PhD is compulsory for ARS for applying (w.e.f. 2019).
- Looking to working in field Clinical subjects are best: Vet. Surgery and Radiology / Vet. Medicine / Vet. Gynaecology & Obstetrics Choose Surgery / Medicine if you want to work especially for pet animals Choose either of above 3 subjects for large animals according to your interest
- Choose Vet. Preventive Medicine & Public Health, if you are interested in Disease control at Population level, One Health / Public Health : Best subject to work for international organisations like OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health, Paris), ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute) or national agencies like Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
- Want to work for Animal Health / Nutrition Companies? Animal Health / Nutrition Companies prefer: Masters in Agri-business management Veterinary Medicine Animal Nutrition / Poultry Science Vet. Pathology Vet. Extension / Economics Animal Biotechnology Animal Biochemistry Vet. Pharmacology & Toxicology Vet. Parasitology LPT
- Want to pursue career after Masters in foreign countries? Choose among (for pursuing PhD / Research Assistant): Vet. Preventive Medicine / Epidemiology / Public Health Animal Biotechnology / Biochemistry Vet. Microbiology (Immunology / Virology / Bacteriology & Mycology) Vet. Parasitology Vet. Pathology Vet. Pharmacology & Toxicology LPT Vet.
- Anatomy Other important options Working as JRF in Research Project or Teaching Personnel (use this option if you want to be financially independent and want to gain research or teaching experience, may also prepare for JRF Exam simultaneously for next year)
- Working for Animal Welfare Organisations such as Brookes Hospital for Equines, SPCA or other NGOs (gain specialised experience in equines, pets and other animals) – especially surgical work like Animal Birth Control Can open your own pet clinic / large animal practice / mixed depending on the location of the clinic
- Not getting admission in IVRI / NDRI ?? - Prefer admission in following colleges / universities:
- A) GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand
- B) GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab
- C) LUVAS, Hisar, Haryana
- D) TANUVAS, Chennai, Tamilnadu
- E) Mathura Veterinary College
- F) RAJUVAS, Bikaner, Rajasthan
- G) Bengaluru Veterinary College
- After doing Master / PhD, vets can work as academicians / researchers in veterinary colleges.
- PhD will be essential qualification for posts of Asstt. Professor in Universities from 1 July 2021 (UGC guidelines).
- Want to do Masters in foreign countries ?? Very high tuition fees & living costs (eg. Masters degree in Vet. Epidemiology at RVC, London have approx. Rs 20 lacs tuition fees and Rs 10 lacs as living expenses for one year) Other colleges in USA / Canada / Australia / Europe charge almost similar tuition fees and living expenses are high. More funding options open for doing PhD in foreign countries after Masters in India.
- Large number of Pantnagar Alumni is working in USA as Post Doctorate Fellow / Academicians / Researchers / Vets) Become a Master during Masters course Increasing competition for Academic level jobs (Asstt. Professor / Scientists / PDFs) Apart from class notes, study good books and peer review journals Write popular articles, Study research articles Involve in
- Research work of your department Participate in Conferences / Seminars Become member of different Academic / Research Associations Prepare for NET (National Eligibility Test)
- Do a good project work for Thesis Publish Research Paper/s from your Thesis work Want to study in United Kingdom for Masters ??
- Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC, offers Commonwealth Shared Scholarship every year in December / January for citizens of commonwealth countries like India (fully funded tuition fees and living expenses)
- The list of courses changes every year Usually, Royal Veterinary College, London have 2 scholarships each in MSc Vet. Epidemiology and MSc One Health English language requirements: IELTS – 7 minimum with 6.5 in each component More details on RVC website:
- More on Commonwealth Scholarship Students in BVSc & AH final year may apply (course starts in September)
- Disadvantage: Masters course in UK are of one year, currently Govt. of India do not recognise one year course for Master degree, negotiations for mutual recognitions are going on between two countries. Funding for PhD is limited abroad.
- RVC is the number one Veterinary School in world (QS World University Rankings 2019). One lady vet from Kerala after completing MSc One Health is doing PhD, after working as research assistant in project for two years. Recommended for applying to only top students (top 5 students of BVSc & AH), as the courses are really intensive, even the topper of the course do not manage to cross 70% marks) MVSc students in India may apply for Commonwealth PhD (3 year) or split-site (1 year) scholarship