Advertisement for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in (NAVSU)
No. Estt.-I/Recruit./2021/2181 Date 12/10/2021ADVERTISEMENT NO. 01/2021
(I) Applications are invited for the teaching posts in various constituent units of the Vishwa Vidyalaya, as detailed in Annexure-A.
(II) Applicants/Candidates must ensure that requirements as shown in Annexure-B are complete in all respect.
(III) Terms and Conditions for employment in the Vishwa Vidyalaya on the teaching posts are annexed as Annexure-C.
N.B.- Application forms along with qualifications, experience, score card proforma and Annexures as A, B and C can be downloaded from the Vishwa Vidyalaya website
1. Application Fee: Rs. 2000 (Rs. 1000 for ST/SC). The prescribed application fee should be paid in the form of Bank Draft in favour of “Registrar Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University” payable at Jabalpur. The application fee is not refundable.
2. Submission of Application: Application form along with qualifications, experience, score card proforma, terms and conditions can be downloaded from the Vishwa Vidyalaya website The duly filled application form along with necessary enclosures and prescribed fee shall reach to the Registrar, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, Administrative Building, Adhartal, Jabalpur, M.P.- 482004 on or before 16/11/2021 up to 5.00 p.m. The envelope containing application form should be super scribed with the name of post applied for specifying the discipline.
3. The applications received after due date, or incomplete applications, or applications changed in the original format of the university shall be summarily rejected and the application fees of such applications will not be refunded.
4. The unreserved posts are open to all Indian Nationals. However, the reservation shall be provided to M.P. domicile candidates as per the M.P. Government rules.