BASAVA manual for Canine Practice
Edited by- Tim Hutchinson and Ken Robinson
Polyphagia is an increased food intake, which can be manifested by the dog eating either morefrequently and/or consuming a greater quantity than normal. Some animals that are polyphagic may also show signs of excessive food-seeking and food-stealing behaviour.Polyphagia may be prompted by:
■■ Failure to assimilate nutrients or an increased loss of nutrients (e.g. exocrine pancreatic insufficiency)
■■ Inability to use nutrients (e.g. diabetes mellitus,gastrointestinal parasites, poor-quality diet)
■■ Hypoglycaemia (e.g. insulinoma, insulin overdose)
■■ Increased metabolic rate or demand (e.g. cold environment, pregnancy, lactation)
■■ Psychological or learned behaviour (e.g. palatable diets, competition with others for food)
■■ Endogenous or exogenous glucocorticoids or other drugs (e.g. anticonvulsants).......... continue reading