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1. Ruminal lactacidosis

 Diagnosis / clinical signs : Acute stage - anorexia , diarrhea ( after 8 hours ) , respiratory distress , severe dehydration ( due to lack of Hco3) , drunken gait , fluid splashing sound , rumen pH below 5 , no protozoa . Chronic stage – laminitis (due to release of histamine by lactic acid ) , hepatic abscess , fungal ruminitis .

 Line of treatment :  Evacuation of the ruminal content by stomach tube  Supplement of NaHco3 mixed with normal saline in intravenous use only ( 0.3 x base deficit x body weight )  Anti-histamine : chlorpheniramine maleate (0.025-0.5mg/kg)  B-complex injection to regulate the rumen eco-system  Anti-biotic – to kill the s. bovis  Oral antacid - aluminium hydroxide , magnesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide, (trade name – Gelucil, De-blota ,Bufzone ,Rumibuff , Acibuff )  Cud transplantation - rumen liquor from any animal Large ruminants : 3-4 litres orally , sheep- 500-1litre orally 

Contraindication : Advice to owner don’t allow the animal to drink In initial stage with respiratory disturb don’t give ringer’s lactate , after correcting the respiratory distress you can give RL for correcting the bicarbonate deficit ...................continue reading

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