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 A KEY GUIDE FOR PCS (Provincial Civil Service)

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Historic Milestones/Discoveries:

 Louis Pasteur - coined term vaccine; Fowl cholera vaccine, Rabbies vaccine, Anthrax vaccine, and concept of attenuation. 
 Paul Ehrlich - Antibody production, Humoral theory, Acid fast staining, Father of chemotherapy. 
 Edward Jenner – Small pox vaccination 
 Waksman – Streptomycin discovery 
 Bruce – Malta fever
 Loeffer and Shutz – Glander
 Moore – Fowl typhoid 
 Nicolaier – Tetanus 
 Ricketts – Rocky spotted mountain fever 
 Bordet – Complement discovery 
 Loffer – Swine erysipelas
 A. Flemming – First antibiotics as Penicillin 
 J. Lister – Aseptic surgery, Carbolic acid
 R. Bucchim – Father of Pharmacology
 M.J.B. Orfla – Father of Toxicology 
 Otto-lewi – Neurotransmitter discovery
 O.W. Holmes – Coined term Anaesthesia 
 Rudolphi – Father of Parasitology 
 Virchow – Father of Cellular Pathology 
 Kohler & Milstein – Hybridoma (Monoclonal antibodies) technique 
 E. Porter – Structure of antibodies 
 Landsteiner – Blood Group 
 Celsus – Four cardinal signs of inflammation..........continue reading


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