Project associate- Institute of genomics and integrative biology (15.12.2022-Interview)
Advt No CSIR_IGIB/PME/Dec_2022_11
Date: 25-11-2022
सीएसआईआर – जीनोमिकी सिवेत और जीव मवज्ञान संस्थान िॉल रोड, मिल्ली - 110007
(Date of interview – December 15 th , 2022, at 10:00 AM via video call)
CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB), desires to engage qualified incumbents on a purely temporary basis in various ongoing projects of the Institute as listed below: -
1. Project Associate-I (i) 31,000/- + HRA
2. Project Associate-II (i) 35,000/- + HRA
.3. Project Associate-II (For Post Code - 08) 25,000/- + HRA
4. Project Manager 50,000/- (Consolidated)
The applicants will be subjected to shortlisting by our scientists according to the current requirement and the shortlisted candidates will be interviewed. The duration of the post also depends on the fund available in a particular project and its validity. Reservation and Age relaxation as per CSIR/Govt. of India guidelines. Tenure may be extendable up to project duration. The engagement which is on contract basis in respect of all above positions will confer no rights on the candidates, whatsoever, implicitly and/ or explicitly for their continuation beyond tenure/ absorption/ regularization in CSIR-IGIB. Contract may be terminated at any time by giving one-month notice by either side.